And there's when a beautiful connection was created.

•   •   •

Teresa was confused on why Thomas was in every subway she went to every day when she went to work, but he soon explained her that he was going to work too, and that that subway was his only way to reach his destination.

It was the same for Teresa.

Over the past few months the two of them would meet each other involuntarily, sitting next to each other when the subway wasn't full, or when it was, Thomas would give away his seat for Teresa to sit.

They got along pretty well, and soon they were the closest of friends.

Teresa didn't have much friends, moved to New York City young (she's only 21) with no one and all alone. Having a friend and someone she could trust was a huge thing for her. Specially when that someone is the kindest guy in the entire world.

She often talks with Brenda, her long time best friend, and tells her all the things she's been up to, occasionally talking about the sweet, cute little guy who randomly works not far away from her.

"I think you like him." Teresa hears Brenda say through the phone while she's pacing on her bedroom, thinking to herself.

"No, I don't." Teresa spats, but she can hear the sigh on the other side of the line.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night."

And then they break the line up after saying their goodbyes and stumble on their beds.

Do I like him? It's the only question running through her mind, but she doesn't give in to her weaknesses. I don't know!

C'mon Teresa, you're stronger than that!

But, on the inside, Teresa knows the answer.


•   •   •

"Tom, I loved it, seriously, you didn't have to do this for me." Teresa says as she looks around them, seeing the candles and the beautiful petals of flowers laying on the soft grass as they're laying on a blanket, looking at the sky.

"What better way to spend our day off eating pizza and chilling on the grass?" He jokes, a smile plastered on his face.

"Can't disagree on that."

"Of course you can't, Agnes." Thomas chuckles, stopping his gaze from Teresa to look at the starts above them. "No one disagrees with me." He jokes, his once small smile being transformed into a big, goofy one.

"Oh really? I think I'll have to disagree on that one, Tom-Tom."

The two stare at each other, the soft, summer breeze chilling their warm bodies as the hot temperature can still be felt, even being night.

Teresa feels that thing again. The same thing she felt on that subway, some months ago. The thing that made her smile like a maniac the whole day. Little did she know that that first encounter also caused the same thing to Thomas. Him being too caught up on her bright, blue eyes to even concentrate on anything he would work on that day.

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