Everything will be Okay

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This is going to be shortish sorry it took me awhile to update my summer is coming to an end and I'm not sure how much I'll be able to update once school starts but I will do my very best for my readers speaking of readers thank you all for reading your awesome but I really want to know what you guys are thinking about this story message me or comment what you think will happen after this chapter!!!!!!!!!

Landon POV

I woke up to Peyton laying on my chest I looked at her beautiful face and I just wanted to kiss her

But instead I got out of bed and went to talk to Jacob

Do you want to come with me somewhere special Jacob? I asked

Sure he spoke slowly

Get ready dress nice I told him smiling

I went into my room and got a shower then put on a tux and went down stairs

A few minutes later jake comes down In a tux

Good job I told him and we got in my car and left

Peyton's POV

I woke up and Landon wasn't home so I took a shower and got dressed for today

I went to the kitchen made breakfast and ate then Ashly came in and ate

We watched movies until 5 then Landon and jake came told us to get ready and dress nice and then got us in the car he drove somewhere but I didn't know where because he blindfolded us

They got us out of the car and took us up a gravel road and then I knew where we were so I smiled

A few minutes later I felt the sand on my feet Ashly stayed quiet not knowing where we are

They stopped us and took off our blindfolds

I just stared at the pedals forming a heart around the table with four chairs around it and in that moment I realized that everything was going to be okay

We walked over sat down ate and talked of course then Landon took my hand and led me to where the water just touched my feet

I laughed causing him to smile

We were walking on the beach then he told me something I'll never forget

Peyton Collins I love you more than anyone else in the world and I love the twins too and I hope you feel the same

I do Landon we were smiling and kissing at the same time and also laughing

We pulled apart and stayed quiet until I said I'm 30 weeks now that means 7 weeks until I'm full term

Wow he said

How are you feeling? I asked

About what? He said

Do you want to be in the room when I have them I asked quietly but fast

Um I guess he said

Okay I smiled


He smirked and I laughed

We walked back to jake and Ashly they were laughing

Landon and I laughed to because it was so cute

Landon carried me bridal style to the car and jake gave Ashly a piggyback ride to the car we drove home and watched the fault in our stars I cried through all of it

Ashly cried to landon held me in his arms we finished it and got ready for bed Landon held me tight and I fell asleep but I was hoping he never let go

My updates won't be so frequent now because I have to go to school but I promise I will update as much as I can I'm having a little stutters block so comment and message me what you think should happen




Love ya!!!
~ M

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