Our little talks

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Peyton's POV

I woke up and saw Landon beside me and I looked at him with his eyes closed

I smiled and though about how cute our kids will be and I got up slowly

so I didn't wake him up and felt a grab around my waist and turned and saw

Landon smirking at me what are you doing? He said

Going to get a shower why?

Put on something cute okay he said with a huge smile on his face

I said okay and walked through the door into the bathroom locked the door and took my clothes off and turn the water on really hot and let in just fall on my head for awhile

until I heard a scream and I jumped out

put a robe on and ran down the stairs

then saw my mom yelling at some guy and they stopped once they saw me

my mom said honey this is your father the one that left me when I was pregnant

tears started to form in my eyes and before I knew it I was crying my eyes out and felt Landon's muscular arms wrap around my waist

Pulling me away and kissed my lips softly then he walked me to my room

tucked me in like you would do a little girl and kiss my forehead and he sat in a chair beside my bed

Landon's POV

I just sat in a chair beside her and watched her sleep and I realized that I didn't just love her because the baby I was in love with her and I was going to prove my love for her to everyone

by being a great daddy and boyfriend and someday husband hopefully she loves me as much as I love her

I knew the day she cried what happened between Anna Ashly and her

but she i guess didn't want me to know but I found out so I grabbed my jacket

then walked down the steps and out the front door and walked just a block down the street

i walked up the long driveway there were no cars there but Anna's light was on so I walked toward the door

knocked and after a minute or two she came down and opened the door

she was dressed In a really really short mini jean skirt and a shirt that said learn your lessons from me

it was silent for a moment until I broke the silence and said

what the hell are you bothering Peyton for?

You know I like you and I have ever since 7th grade Anna said

Get over it were in 11th grade it's been 4years I told her

she started crying and I felt bad and looked at her with a sad expression on my face and said I'm sorry

she dried her tears and leaned in and kissed me

I pushed her away and said you can't get me to cheat on Peyton

I love her

she had a mad expression on her face

with that I went back to Peyton's house

Anna's POV

I'm am so mad why does she always get the guys I like she always wins its bullshit

I hate her so much I bet he only says he loves her because she's pregnant

maybe if I get rid of the baby he won't like her anymore

Then he will come to me

I know who will help me so I dialed Ashly's number

told her what had happened and she said she would help and that we could meet after school

and plan to take care of hurting her and the babies at the same time

Peyton's POV

I woke up and saw that Landon wasn't here anymore and I was hungry

so u walked down stairs and there was Landon making breakfast

and said here's your plate it was biscuits and gravy

and I grabbed a fork and started poking at them and started to eat them and now that I was done

with my morning sickness I could eat whatever

I have an appointment in about 3 weeks and that's the day I turn 20 weeks

that means ill be halfway done with my pregnancy

it was already night time again because all I do is eat and sleep

but Landon asked if I wanted to watch a movie and I said yes and we were watching dear John

I was on his lap and he was holding me

he kissed my forehead then my lips

as we watched about half of the movie

then fell asleep on the couch together

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16 and pregnantDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora