I really like you

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Peyton's POV
I am now 12 weeks I've been in my room for a week and a half Landon tries to cheer me up but it doesn't work I start school tommarow because it will be the 25th so since its my last night to party I'm staying in with Landon at my house he'll be here in an hour (8:00)

Landon's POV

I'm leaving to get Peyton flowers red roses then going to her place

I'm driving and 30 minutes later I have the flowers and I was going to Peyton's

Peyton's POV

I went to get a shower when I was done I put on some jean shorts and a black tanktop

I was ready I heard the doorbell ring went to answer it when I opened it I saw Landon

He had red roses I told him come in and he did then he kissed me and none was home so we didnt stop

We got on the couch he was on top of me and we kept kissing and then he stopped and said we can't do this lets watch a movie

He picked out a scary one insidious 2 and we watched it or I hid in his chest the entire time and we fell asleep

when I woke up I was in My bed it was 2 in the morning and I was hungry so I went down stairs

I got some cupcakes and ate 3 of them and saw a note

Dear Peyton,
I really like you I want to be with you you amazing but I'm afraid you'll get hurt my me or Ashly or Anna I'm sorry we can't be together
-I really like you-

16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now