Chapter 1

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"Carson, here kitty," I say to my all black cat as I pour his dry cat food into his bowl.

Carson comes trotting into the kitchen when he hears the food hits the bowl. Laughing softly at him as he quickly eats like he goes hungry.

I may be poor but I manage. I may only be a 17 year old runaway, who works part time at the local mechanics garage but I can keep food, clothes and a roof over my head. Well, the roof over my head and Carson's is ratty and falling down but it's home.

When I'm not working, I'm at school even though I'm not sure why I even bother. I'm invisible to everyone around me, which is okay I guess; at least I'm not bullied. I hate school and let's face it, I'm not going to make it into University with my grades and I won't obtain any scholarships for my academics or sports.

I can only hope for the future is becoming full time at the garage once I graduate.

Sighing, I close the cat food bag before  filling a glass with water and grab my turkey sandwich and sit at the counter; watching Carson eat his dinner.

I worked all day at the garage since today is Saturday. I left work at 7 p.m. and home by 8 p.m. since it takes me an hour to walk home. Thankfully the high school is only a five minute walk.

Living in a run down flat on the outskirts of the rougher part of town, ironically the school is close too.

Several hours later as I'm getting ready to head to bed, there's a knock on my flat door.  Slight terrified of who it is, I look through the peep hole to see two makes and two females out in the hallway. One of each gender are young, sound my age. The other two look like they are their parents.

Cautiously I open the door as far as the chain would allow. "Can I help you?" I ask them quietly as not to wake the neighbors; the walls are thin and it's late.

"Sorry to bother you and your family so late, but we're lost. We're moving into the area and cannot find Munroe Estates."

Glancing at the other three quickly, all three are staring at me intently as I turn back to the man. "You're on the opposite side of town that you want to be."

Clearing my throat, I nervously continue, "Turn left out of the parking lot and then take a right at the stop sign and head north on the main road for about twenty-five minutes."

The older man smiles and that's when I notice the two females smiling at me as well while the teenage boy is staring intently at me. Growing more and more uncomfortable, I glance down at the floor.

"Thank you, young man. Your parents must be proud of how helpful you are. I'm Robin, this is my wife Anne, and our children, Gemma and Harry," the man says holding his hand out.

Pulling the chain down, I carefully shake his hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Louis," I answer him, my nerves still on high.

"Well thank you for your help, Louis," Robin continues. "We'll be going now, since it's so late, have a nice night."

The others bid me goodnight as well as I did them. As they turned to leave, I see Harry glancing back at me with curious but beautiful green eyes.

Shutting the door quickly once Harry is out of eyesight and quickly locking the doorknob and the other two door locks; what bad neighborhood equals more locks on a door for safetly. That doesn't always mean shit doesn't happen but it helps for the piece of mind.

Sighing as I turn off the kitchen light, I head to my bedroom to climb into my single bed and cover myself with my sheet and two worn blankets and fall into a fightful sleep for the night before I have to wake to head to work.

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