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Louis Tomlinson is a 17 year old runaway, living in a run down flat. Hiding away from the world as much as he can - no one comes to his home, no one hangs around with him at school because he's seen as the strange loner kid.

Louis' previous home life had been horrible. His dad Mark was an alcoholic and abusive toward Louis on a daily basis until Louis ranaway.

Louis' mum, Jay had passed away when Louis was 5 years old and Mark took his sadness out on his son.

Harry Styles is 18 years old and new to London, along with his mum, step-dad and older sister, where Louis lives. They stop at a rugged looking set of flates to ask for directions and meets Louis.

Harry doesn't understand how the small, blue eyed beauty was timid around them. Once Harry starts school, he notices Louis and it becomes his mission to become Louis' friend despite everyone's warning to stay away from the damaged loner gay kid.

Thing is Harry is gay himself and wants to help this beautifully perfect boy.

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