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---Narrator Jeff---

     Jeff sits outside in the forest, sharpening his blade. His tongue hangs out the side of his mouth as he concentrates on getting his blade nice and sharp. Smiling, he lifts it up, so the moonlight glints off of it. He hears a soft crack of leaves on the ground, turning he sees Slenderman standing just a few yards away. Jeff looks up at him "What?" he growls. Slenderman's tentacles wrap around Jeff's body, lifting him in the air. "Jeffrey, I know how you are feeling" Slender buzzes pulling Jeff into an awkward hug."I don't know what you mean by that" Jeff frowns. 

    Slenderman sighs, pulling away. "Yes you do, you can't yell at her anymore, you can stay mad without hurting yourself, your heart aches when she tells you she hates you" Slenderman pats Jeff's head "Lets face it Jeffrey...you're completely and utterly in love with someone ten years younger than you" Slenderman then disappears without another word to be said. Jeff stands there, stunned at the information he has just received. "I am not" he whispers.

---Narrator Emma---

    Emma hears a soft knock on the bathroom door. "You decent?" Jeff's voice sounds. "No" Emma says wrapping the towel around herself. "Okay" She hears Jeff walk away from the door. Emma pulls on the oversized shirt, with her bra and underwear that Jane grabbed. She then realises that she has no pants. Peeking out she tries to get someones attention. She hear someone coming up the steps. "Liu, uh, can you get me something?" she asks seeing Liu walking to his room. "What do you need?" he asks in a bored tone. "Um..hehe I forgot pants" Emma feels her face turn bright red.

    "How do you forget pants?" Liu asks. "I don't know, I thought I grabbed some, but I just grabbed two shirts" Emma whines, almost begging him to get her some. Liu groans, walking into Jeff's room without even knocking first. She hears a loud crash. Then, Liu comes running out of the room grinning. "Here ya' go" he throws them at her then runs into Jane's room laughing like an idiot. Emma shakes her head, turning back into the room she pulls them on. Emma walks out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and clean.

    Emma knocks on the door. No answer. She peeks in "Jeff?" she whispers, seeing him laying on the bed face down. "Jeff?" she asks again, touching his back. He grunts in response. "Oh, I thought you might have been dead" Emma says. Jeff looks up at her, frowning "I'm clearly not" he growls. Emma gulps nodding and looking away. "Sorry" she mumbles moving to sit on the beanbag chair in the corner of his room. Jeff sighs lookig up from his spot under the blankets. Emma scratches her arm, looking at him. Jeff stares at her, making her feel a little uncomfortable. Jeff is suddenly infront of her. Emma gulps looking down. "I said sorry" she whispers. "I know, hey. Look at me" he mutters frowning. Emma looks up, right into his eyes.

---Narrator Jeff---

    'Don't do it Jeff. She's only going to hate you more. Jeff seriously do-' Jeff leans down, pressing his lips to Emma's. Emma is stunned for a minute, then a searing pain hits his cheek. He pulls away, touching his cheek. "You're disgusting!" Emma screams running out of the bedroom and down the hall. "e-Emma" Jeff squeaks. He can hear her knocking on Jane's door. Jane will comfort her. She'll probably sleep in Jane's room too. Jeff sits on his bed, clenching his fists. "Why do you do everything wrong?" he asks himself.

---Narrator Emma---

    Emma looks up, right into his eyes. She watches Jeff lean down, her eyes widen as she feels slightly wet lips on hers. She's stunned. Her hand flies, she slaps him. "You're disgusting!" She screams tearing up. Emma runs down the hallway sobbing. She knocks on Jane's door. It opens revealing Jane, Liu, and Clockwork. "Em-" Emma buries her face in Jane's chest, sobbing. "Emma, honey are you okay?" Jane whispers stroking her hair. Emma sobs trying to make words. She manages to tell Jane. Jane looks angry, no not angry. Worse than angry, words can't explain what she looks like. 

    Her chalk face has turned a deep shade of red, her eyes have seemed to darken even more. Emma gulps, wiping her tears. Jane shoves Emma towards Liu and Clockwork, standing up she grabs her knife. "I'm killing your brother" Jane hisses walking out of the room. Liu sighs. "She's overreacting" Liu mumbles. "She is not Liu, Emma is like ten and Jeff is like thirty" Clockwork hisses. "First of all, Jeff is twenty three, and Emma is like fifteen" Liu says. "I-i'm actually thirteen" Emma whimpers. "Close enough, besides if Jeff were thirty, I'd be-" Liu stops, counting in his head "I'd be like thirty-two turning thirty-three" Liu finishes.

    Clockwork glares. "Close enough" Clockwork hisses. Liu shoots her a look, glaring at her. A knock on the door causes them all to look. The little elf head peeks in "Hello, Emma do you want to play video games with me" Ben asks. "C-can I pick the game?" Emma whimpers. Ben smiles "Of course" he says. Emma gulps, following quietly behind Ben. Ben plops down on the floor with Emma next to him. "Mario cart galaxy" Emma says handing it to him for him to put in.

---Narrator Jane---

    'I'm going to kill him, Jeff is dead. Jeff will not be coming back' Jane slams Jeff's door open. She see's Jeff sitting on the bed, head in his hands. "What the fuck Jeff" She hisses hitting him on the head with the body of her knife. He just lays there, staring at her. "Fuck you, how could you fucking do that?" she screams. She hits him again. He just lays there. "Fuck you, fucking dick head. You made her cry" Jane feels tears in her eyes. "Why aren't you fighting back!" She screams slicing at his chest. Jeff grunts in response, "Why are't y-you f-fighting" she starts to cry. She doesn't even know why she's crying. Jane drops the knife, climbing on Jeff's lap she punches him. 

    She punches his chest and stomach repeatedly until she just breaks down, falling to the floor she hold her head in her hands. "I hope you know she hates you now" Jane sobs punching his knee. "I know" he mumbles. "You know? Good, I hope you feel bad about what you did" Jane growls wiping her tears. She stands up walking out of the room with her knife. She walks into her room to see Clockwork and Liu having an argument about something. "Where's Emma?" Jane sniffles. "She went to play video games with Ben" Clockwork says then goes back to fighting with Liu.

---Narrator Jeff---

'You're so stupid'

'Emma hates you'

'How about you go to sleep?' 

'Why do you hurt yourself?'

'You know she'll never want you'

'You're disgusting, like she said'

Jeff feels the tears. Instead of crying, he decides he needs to hurt something. He grabs his knife. Jeff decides to take the window out, he doesn't want to talk to anyone right now...

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