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---Narrator Jeff---

        "Why am I crying?" Jeff asks himself while touching his cheeks. "I shouldn't be, there's nothing to cry about" he whispers. "It's okay to cry sometimes" a female voice says. Turning, Jeff see's Emma standing in the doorway. Acting on instinct, he grabs his knife and stands up. "I wasn't fucking crying!" he hisses lunging at her. She screams running down the steps and back into the dining room. Jeff stops at the top of the steps. He shouldn't be doing this, hurting himself by scaring her. Rubbing his face he walks back into his room. He yawns changing into a pair of plaid pajama pants he crawls into his bed, falling asleep.

        Jeff stands awkwardly in a black and red tuxedo. He doesn't know how he got there, all he knows is that he's holding a woman in a wedding dresses hands. He places the ring on her finger. "You may kiss the bride" Slenderman says. Jeff lifts the veil from the woman's face, revealing Emma. Jeff leans in, planting a soft kiss to her lips.

        Suddenly, its a whole new place. Emma's stomach is swollen, protruding from her body. Jeff touches her stomach, smiling he looks up at her. She smiles back.

        Another scenery shift. He's in a hospital, panicking.  Nurse giggles is there, trying to calm him down. She tells him everything is going to be okay.

        Another shift. He's in a child's room, looking around he see's pictures drawn in crayon. He turns to see a little girl with bright green eyes and light brown hair, holding a picture. "Look daddy its you" she giggles. Jeff's heart breaks, he doesn't see her mother-Emma- at all in the picture. "Where's mommy sweetheart?" Jeff asks. The little girls face saddens. "You don't remember?" she whispers rubbing tears from her eyes. Jeff's heart breaks even more, not wanting the answer but wanting it all the more. "Mommy and you got in a accident. Mommy is in heaven now, singing with the angels" the little girl smiles, hugging Jeff.

        Another change. He's at another wedding, only he's not the one getting married. He turns seeing the little girl, all grown up standing next to him. Smiling she presses her lips to his cheek. "I love you dad" she whispers as the music starts. Jeffrey walks his daughter down the isle, seeing E.J with a beautiful blonde haired woman ad two children. At the alter, he see's Ben. Smiling Ben places the ring on his daughter's hand. They kiss

        Jeff shoots awake gasping for breath. 'Where did that come from?' he thinks to himself.

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