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---Narrator Sky---

        Sky sits in her room on the computer with Emma, smiling she types up how happy she is about her fanfiction. Emma is talking about being tired and wanting to go to bed, so they both get off. Sky lays there, motionless, barely breathing. She hear rustling leaves outside. Closing her eyes, she concentrates on sleeping. Laying completely still she focuses. She drifts into blackness.

---Narrator Eyeless Jack---

        Jack slips easily through the girls open window. He stares at her through his mask. She's not moving, she looks like she's barely breathing. Jack slips the scalpel from inside his pocket and lifts her shirt a little. He goes to make the incision, but her eyes open catching Jack off guard. "Eyeless Jack" She squeaks suddenly sitting up. Jack tumbles backwards and falls onto the ground, staring at the young teen. She smiles a little when she see's the scalpel. "You want my kidney? You know those are the organs that filter piss right? Well, whatever. I guess you can have one...only the left one though" she says. Jack stares at her, confused. "E-excuse me?" he stutters astonished that she's not scared. She sighs. "I'm not repeating myself" she says pushing the covers off of her and standing up. She holds out her hand, "Need help?" she asks.

        Jack shakes his head and stands up by himself. "Oh, I see, too good for me then" she snaps frowning. Jack cocks his head to the side and frowns, confused still. "Why are you just staring at me? It's weird, stop" Sky frowns. "Um...what?" Jack asks. "You really are stupid..." the girl mumbles while facepalming. "You really shouldn't have done that" Jack says clutching the scalpel tighter. "Oh so now you're quoting Ben? Very original" Sky laughs. Jack takes a step back, frowning at how calm she is. Jack stands there, stunned by her assertiveness. 

        Sky sighs, glaring at her opponent. "Are you deaf? Hello!" She snaps waving her arms. Jack looks at her "Yes?" he asks. "Why are you in my room? I'm thirteen, pedophile" she snaps. "I am not a pedophile, I'm just hungry" he snaps back. That makes you sound even more like a pedophile. Pedophile" she says back. Jack stares at her. "Seriously? We're going to talk about this?" he asks. She nods "yes, we are" she smirks. Jack sits in the beanbag chair in the corner of the room. Sky smiles warmly and fixes her shirt, she sits one her bed crossing her legs. "So...?" she asks looking at him. "So..." he repeats quietly. Sky nods scratching the back of her neck. "Awkward" she mumbles looking up at the now standing Jack. He nods and looks at the lightning sky. "I have to go" he says quickly, hopping out her window. She frowns, "Douche" she mumbles.

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