Chapter 15

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Dani's POV

"Uh there's no Demi here. I think you have the wrong number." Her voice was like knives, cutting deeper every word.

"Oh, sorry," I said quietly before hanging up. I felt tears flood my eyes, threatening to spill. I ran out of the store and hid myself behind an old looking building and cried. I'm going to die out here.

Demi's POV

My manager booked me a show a few towns over. Max and I just finished loading all our bags into the tour bus. "Ready to go?" Max asked.

"Ready." I replied. I sat on the couch near the back of the bus as we started moving. I plugged my headphones into my phone and put some music on. I have about an hour to kill so I decided to read through my mentions on twitter.

After a while I heard my stomach growl. Dammit I forgot to eat breakfast. "Max!" I yelled. He came into sight..

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"I'm hungry, can we stop for food?"

"Can you wait? We're only 30 minutes away from the stadium. I'm sure they'll have food there."

"But Maxy I want food now!" I complained.

"Fine, we'll stop at a McDonald's or something."

"YAY!" Max rolled his eyes and went back to the front of the bus.

We came to a stop and I looked out the window and saw that we were in a parking lot. "Ready?" Max asked. I nodded in response as I put my phone in my pocket and followed him outside.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We had to park down the street in a closed off parking lot so the paps and fans won't see and mob the bus."

"Oh, ok." Max and I walked to McDonald's. We were pretty much the only people there. When we finished eating, we cleaned up our trash then left. As we were heading back, I heard russling coming from an alley we passed. "Did you hear that?" I asked Max.

"Yeah, it's probably just an animal or something."

"Come on! Let's go see!" I started walking down the alley but Max grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"No, it could be dangerous. The animal could be violent."

"It'll be fine, come on." I skipped down the alley with Max close behind. As we got closer to the rustling, I heard quiet sobbing. I put my arm out to stop Max from moving forward. "Do you hear that?" I whispered. Max nodded in response. I put my finger over my lips, signaling Max to be quiet. I slowly took a few steps forward. "Hello? Is anyone there?" My voice was soft.

"G-go away." A small girls voice answered.

"Come out so I can see you. I want to help you." I took a step forward.

"Don't come any closer. Y-you can't help me." I saw her begin to run. I wanted to follow her but Max grabbed onto my arm, holding me back. 

"Let's just go back to the bus." 

"No, Max! We have to follow her!" I yelled as I struggled to escape his grasp.

"Demi, it's not worth it."

"You don't get it! I think that was Dani!" I felt Max release my arm and I took off running. My mind was flooding with questions. What is she doing here? How did she get here? Why was she crying? Why did she run? What happened after I left her the other night?


Will Demi be able to catch Dani? Will Dani's secrets be revealed? I guess you'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out! So I really hope you like this chapter. Please comment and vote! I love and apprecite everyone of your comments. Leave any suggestions you have or anything you would like to see happen in the story. Also feel free to message me anytime to just talk! I don't bite, I promise. Thanks for reading!

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