Chapter 87

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X A V I E R  J O N E S ~ F A S T F O R W A R D A F E W D A Y S

audrey and i decided to take a step back to look at our relationship, i guess. trust was the main issue in it that needed to be worked on. we set simple ground rules to follow by for awhile, but nothing was drastically different.
"rey, wake up." i said, nudging her shoulder.
still nothing.
i pulled the blanket down slightly and kissed her neck. i knew how much she hated when i kissed her neck, it bothered the hell out of her. she still didn't move and i groaned slightly.
"you asked for this." i chuckled, kissing her neck again.
i placed a few kisses along her neck, probably leaving hickeys. she moved slightly, so that her neck was less accessible and smiled softly. i gently pushed her head back and continued to kiss all over her neck. she opened her eyes and giggled softly.
"bubba, stop." she chuckled.
bubba, the pet name she had picked out for me.
she continued giggling as i moved over, so i was partially hovering over her.
"could we—do something—together—today? like lunch—or whatever." i asked in between kisses.
she reached over to grab her phone and gently pushed me off of her.
"shit, i've gotta get ready." she said.
she pulled the covers back and got up. i sat up as she pulled her shorts off. she looked in the mirror and gasped.
"god dammit, xavier, you left hickeys all over my neck." she said.
she turned around and i couldn't help but laugh.
"well, now they'll know that you're mine." i shrugged.
"except they already know that and won't be happy to see this shit all over me." she replied, pulling a pair of jeans on.
"maybe if you told me where you were going, i wouldn't have to do that." i told her.
i got up and pulled a shirt on.
"oh my god." she responded. "literally it's not a big deal."
she pulled on a pair of boots and walked out of the bedroom.
a few minutes later, i walked into the kitchen to see her fully dressed in jeans, an orange sweater, and brown boots, sitting on the island.
"did you hear that the bulldogs made it to regionals?" she asked, scrolling on her laptop.
"yep, it's all over the school page." i replied, walking over to the island.
"okay, but they were so much better with their star quarterback. you literally put all of your effort into it, just so you know before you beat yourself up about it." she said, putting a piece of toast in her mouth.
"doesn't really matter anyways, but thanks." i responded.
"next year you'll be back, so it'll be fine. anyways, are you doing anything today?" she asked.
"probably just going to the bar. jamie might be there, but nothing interesting." i answered.
"okay, uh, here hold this." she said, handing me her toast and pulling out her phone. "jacks isn't going to be there, so lucky you, you aren't getting your ass beaten."
"he'll get over the stupid graffiti thing, it's fine. also, you have to be back by—." i started.
"3:30 because the game is on then. mhm, i know." she interrupted. "trust me, i didn't forget."
"okay, great. tomorrow you're free, by the way, we have plans." i told her.
"sure, i'll clear my schedule for you." she chuckled. "oh, shit i've gotta leave soon."
she closed her laptop and i took her hand in mine.
"can't you just." i started, kissing the back of her hand. "stay here."
i trailed kisses up her arm and she laughed softly.
"this is important to me, bubba, i've gotta go. i've just got to grab cecilia." she replied.
she slid off the island and went into cecilia's room. i grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me so that her back was against my chest when she came back.
"you're really lovey today, and it's adorable, but really i'm going to be late." she said. "see you later."
she grabbed cecilia's stroller and left. i dropped my hand on the island and sighed.
"yeah, have fun." i responded to myself.
twenty minutes later, i was sitting at the bar with jamie as we drank beer and ate fucking cheese fries.
"maybe we're just forcing something that shouldn't be happening. do you really think we're in love?" i asked him.
"dude, asking that is like asking if i'm gay. you should see the way you look at her. you look at her like she can hold the world in her hands, that she's some sort of rare diamond that hasn't been found before." he replied. "i've known you since we were six, man, i've never seen your face light up the way it does around her. in all honesty, i wouldn't believe in love if it wasn't for you two."
i smiled softly and he put a french fry in his mouth.
"i know where she is." he said.
"you what?!" i exclaimed. "and you didn't tell me?!"
"dude, chill. i'm not saying where she is because i promised her i wouldn't, but you'd be so pissed if you knew." he responded.
"is it me? is she scared to tell me because of my sensitivity? or really is it that bad?" i asked. "you  gotta tell me that."
"i'll put it this way. between you and i, i think it's really shitty of rey for not telling you. for something this big, i think that she should just tell you. now, if she does tell you, you seriously can't freak out. you really have to keep your response on the down low because i don't want your guy's relationship getting fucked up. but yeah, it's not you. it's fucking ridiculous that she's not telling you. it's—what's the word i'm thinking of? inconsiderate and selfish." he replied.
"that totally makes me less concerned about it." i sarcastically commented.
"if i were you, i'd just ask her about it. tell her what i said, i don't know, try something. just don't push it." he told me.
"i've been talking to her about it, j." i replied. "our one year is coming up soon and i don't know, but i feel like she's the girl i'm dead set on forever. i just don't want to loose her over something like this."
"so what? you're going to propose?" he asked.
"at sixteen? it's not even legal. i'm just saying, i would be ready." i responded.
"so then do just that." he told me. "propose to her and get married once it's legal. then if you decide it's too soon, you can hold off."
"have you met rey? she'd loose her mind if i did. she would come up with a million 'what ifs'. we both kinda live on different planets." i sighed.
"who knows, she could be thinking about it too. you never know, jones. just live in the moment, like she likes it to think. take it one step at a time, you guys did get a head start with the kid. talk to her about where she's been soon though, if this stays between you guys for any longer, kaboom, there goes your relationship. all of it. gone." he said.
"but i can't talk to her, she keeps changing the subject on me." i told him.
"okay, xavier, you need to grow some balls, buddy. sit her down tonight and address it to her. make sure she knows you won't let it go until she tells you. you need to take some control in your relationship, okay? avoid yelling, you won't be happy, but you need to keep your cool. you've got this, man." he replied.
"sure, when she gets home i'll talk to her." i said.
"okay, good. keep me posted, i've gotta go." he responded. "for the fries."
he sat down a five dollar bill and left the bar. i rested my head against my hand and sighed. how the fuck was i supposed to bring this up to her?

. . .

i dunno.

currently it's 5:40 and i'm spooning my dog, trying to avoid getting up because she's really warm.

it really isn't THAT bad, xavier's just sensitive. it's going to have a large role in the upcoming conflict though, so hAh.

i can't find anything for the topic i'm supposed to research for lego and i'm triggered.

i'm working on the cover photo for the sequel and hehe, i'm so pumped.

i feel like an asshole. i practically yelled at my friend today because i've been in an awful mood lately. no, nothing happened, i'm just ehhh, ya know?

i cant think of an idea for the name of the sequel, so that sucks. :/

i need sleep. oh my god.

do you think him trying to talk to rey about it is a good idea? will this be the end of xaudrey because of a stupid secret?

i kinda didn't want to do my homework last night, so catch me trying to study and do two classes of homework in study hall tomorrow. :)

tomorrow's picture day and i don't know what i'm wearing or doing with my hair. i'm so responsible.

you're too young to get married fam. lmao.

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