Somebody To You

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This is my first fan fiction so dont hate me if it sucks or if i have some spelling/ grammar errors. xx 


Chapter One

“You’re late,” my boss, Antonio, pointed out, “That’s the second time this week.”

            “I know I know! I’m really sorry.  Class ran late and mid terms are in two weeks so I just had a few questions for my professor about what I need to study,” I explained.

            “I understand. You’re lucky that I’m a cool boss or I would’ve fired you a month ago! Now go get dressed and clock in.”

            I did as he said and changed into my uniform. I really loved my job at Miami Subs and I'm glad Antonio was my boss. He understands that I'm a college student and that school always comes first.

In some ways he was like family, considering mine were all the way in California and rarely flew out to Hollywood, Florida to visit.  My mom owns a top-notch law office and my dad a head narcotics officer. My brothers are twins; one of them is a professional football player for the Saints, second-string safety, while the other owns a line of restaurants all over the country. In reality I don’t even have to be enrolled in college because my family could take me into one of their successful jobs, but I want to create my own future far from home. That’s why I enrolled in Nova Southeastern University, which is of course a private college; my parents wouldn’t expect any less. So its not like they cant afford to come visit me, they’re just extremely busy.

Being a rich kid in college has its perks. I have my own apartment over looking the beach and I never have to worry about money.  Antonio always asks me why I have a job if I don’t need it. My answer is always the same: I want to prove that I can do things on my own and that I am responsible. The other college students don’t know about my family or my money, I'm sort of a lone wolf. I like that I don’t have lots of people in my business and that I can focus 100% on school, work, and my future, but it can be hard at times not having someone to talk to. I have a few people I talk to during class but its mostly work related. Many guys have asked me out on dates or to accompany them to parties but all of them are just looking for someone to hookup with, are self absorbed, or just don’t click with me.

Growing up I had lots of friend troubles; I could never find a solid group of people or even a single person who stuck by my side. On weekends and in summer while all the kids would hangout and party, I would stay home and busy myself on the days I didn’t have volleyball. I never had a solid relationship although I had many crushes throughout the years. I was very into music and boy bands; I was a typical fan girl. I grew out of that stage senior year, which was last year. Besides the learning part, I hated high school. The other students were very judgmental and immature; I never fit in anywhere. I also was very interested in acting, in fact, I am minoring in theatre. I’ve wanted to be an actress since the 4th grade. I had a manager, agent, and everything. I got so frustrated that all my hard work wasn’t paying off so I kind of gave up. Although, I am still extremely interested in being apart of the media in some way.

Antonio always tells me how I could be a model if I wanted to, which I do, but if it is meant to be it’ll happen one day; hopefully it will. I could be a model if I actually tried. I have long hair, which I dye sandy blonde, vibrant hazel eyes, and slightly tan skin from all tanning I do in my free time (which isn’t a lot). I am 5’7” and 18 years old, my 19th birthday is in a few months. Though I am actually very self-conscience and insecure. All through high school I wasn’t the perfect size or weight, even though I wasn’t “fat” I felt like I was. At one point I was so desperate to be slimmer I bought diet pills at the local pharmacy. After I purchased them and returned home I was so ashamed, angry, and embarrassed of myself I flushed them down the toilet without even opening them. It was probably the lowest point in my life to this day. I am very proud of myself because I did end up slimming down; with hard work and dedication I earned my toned stomach and other areas, although I still have my volleyball thighs, which have slimed down a bit also.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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