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I'd avoided Mikey and Jack last week, so I hadn't spoken to Mikey since before the drama with Rye. He was confused to say the least.

"What the fuck is this about Jack fucking Rye?" he questioned.

"Rumors, Mike," Jack laughed, "i told people he's hot..."

"Are you joking?" he raised a brow, "what about my best mate?!"

"Cool it," Jack rolled his eyes, "i'm not trying to steal him away. Rumors are rumors."

"But you told everyone you fancy him?" Mikey frowned, not convinced.

"Yeah, and it worked, barely anyone is talking about what he did now," Jack shrugged, "plus it's not a huge lie..."

"So you do fancy him?"

"He's hot like," he chuckled.

Mikey sighed, "i swear to god..."

"What?!" Jack smirked, "nothing's gonna happen, he has Andy!"

"Yeah and you better keep it that way," Mikey snarled.

"I don't need Rye, I have all I need here," he smirked, pulling me into a half hug.

I raised a brow at him, making him laugh.


The rumors got less frequent through the week, but more ridiculous. And the one that pissed Rye off the most was that he'd made this Andy up and he and Jack were a thing.

I had a plan, Rye probably wouldn't be best pleased with it, but it'd stop the rumors about his imaginary boyfriend.




We were in the cafeteria at lunch, along with practically the whole school. Me, Rye, Jack. Mikey had disappeared, but I smirked as soon as I heard his voice over the murmur of everyone's voices.

"Ryan!" he called from the door, making Rye look up at him. Rye's face dropped, he hadn't seen Andy since before he'd broken up with Jess, and now he was here, in school... in front of everyone.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he questioned, half pissed off but half amused, as he went over to the two boys.

Everyone went silent as he walked over, then a chorus of whispers started. Rye pulled Andy into a hug, forcing everyone silent again.


Oooooooohhhhh (thanks simplypenguin love you)

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