«Chapter 8»

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Calum pet Duke lightly as he pressed as close to him as he could. Duke often got very protective when something happened to Calum.

When Calum felt Duke's chest slow down and heard him stop growling lightly, he finally straightened up.

"Home, Duke." Calum said softly. Calum trusted his dog as he started leading him through the darkness surrounding him.

He just needed to get out of the house for a little bit. His parents were being too overbearing at the moment. He didn't mind being blind, I mean he did but he's accepted it now.

The only thing he wished he could change, would be that his parents would just let him be. It was like they were always breathing down his neck, helping him with things he could do on his own.

He knew his parents didn't do it on purpose, but they reminded him everyday of his disability. He just wanted to be a normal person and not have to worry about the fact that he can't see. He just wanted to live his life.

He really wished that Mali could be here, she always treated him like he was just another person. But she was off with her boyfriend because of some 'family emergency'. It was nice of her to support her boyfriend when he needed it.

It happened almost instantly. He was still walking, but as he was walking the world around him suddenly started to bleed color. It made Calum gasp. He faintly heard Duke barking until all he could hear at all was the boy in front of him.

He had brown, curly hair and he was talking to the room. Calum had never heard his voice before, he instantly knew this was one of his visions.

The boy looked devastated as his eyes seemed to fill up with tears. "This is something completely different guys! This is serious now...and I can't do it anymore." He was looking at the three of us with almost a frenzy behind his eyes. He was terrified.

"Ash, listen-" A boy stepped forward but 'Ash' just pushed his hands away quickly. He was looking between all of us with a panic so deep it almost scared me.

"I'm still in school! I still have a life to live!" He calmed down just enough to brokenly whisper, "I want to live long enough to do that, okay? I don't have powers like you guys." He started to slowly back up as he muttered quietly, "I'm sorry." Before anyone could say anything else, he was gone.

As the boy left the house, Calum's vision faded with him. It was like Ash stole the vision when he left.

The world came back into focus almost too quickly as he heard Duke barking madly at him. There was a loud honking as Calum finally realized that he was, again, on the ground.

He felt his body desperately to make sure he was okay. There was the sound of a car door opening and closing before someone was helping him up. "Are you okay? Oh god, that car came out of nowhere! Good thing your dog here is quick on his feet." The man seemed to realize rather quickly from the vest Duke was wearing that Calum couldn't see. His tone changed, making Calum sick as he tried to leave. He hated people for making him feel differently.

He just couldn't see was all, so what? He was still him. He didn't need any pity.

"I'm fine, thank you sir." Calum muttered firmly with clenched teeth. He needed to get out of here fast. He didn't even have time to think about what he just saw until he was sitting on a random park bench.

Who was Ash and what did he mean? What could he not do? He seemed too young to look that sad. But Calum knew all too well.

His heart felt lighter when he realized Ash had said "powers". There were more people like him. Three to be exact; Calum remembers there being three boys in his vision.

"Things are going to change, Duke. Let's head home." Calum smiled widely, snapping his fingers to make sure he had his dogs attention. "Duke? Home." He enunciated, getting up as he felt him start moving.

Life seemed a little less dark on the walk home, although it was probably due to the colors and pictures Calum could practically still see in his mind. He would take anything he could get.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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