(e) *#udge!39?

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Everything is a blur,
a glitch must I say? But I do see his face but it's zooming in, too small, I can't see his clear beautiful face, I'm facing a monster's face.

"Ju-  Ne Go Hhe? I ssss sss soorr- gomEnmm." The monster's voice repeating as if in a playback, I cringed and back away, running outside the school that seems to be crumbling.

Everything around me is crumbling to pieces, I can't seem to see the end of everything breaking.

I gasped as the floor below me cracks, breaking, going down and down, my heartbeat stops.

I screamed as loud as I can, falling into the cracks of the floor, I look up and see something breaking and going down towards me.

About to be meet with my death, I took a deep breathe.

Isn't this what I wanted all along?

fall away, jeonggukWhere stories live. Discover now