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My legs travel to the night where we left and end it all, these memories passing around me, like a ghost.

"Don't leave me, please.." She spoke, I spoke, a remiscent of my ownself repeating before my own eyes.

She tried reaching out to you, to Jeongguk, her hands grabbing your hands, with the hot tears running down her cheeks.

"I- I promise to become better... I promise to even where make up just like she do!" June begs, her pride long gone as she stoop so low to bow down.

I shook my head as the memories felt as if it was just yesterday, you let your cherry lips touched mine.

"Please Jeongguk... Y- you're the only one keeping me sane, I'll do anything to keep us..." June looks up to the boy, his hair swaying in the night sky, showing his ethereal beauty.

"June. Stand up, you're wasting my time." Jeongguk spoke coldly, his eyes shows utter hatred to her, me?

I run towards the vague memory, and as I swing my arms to hit the boy, to tell him to stop, it goes through him.

And they dissapeared right infront of my eyes, both past me and Jeongguk.

Right, it's just a memory...

I slowly reached to the edge of the slide, and sit crissed crossed at the edge.

If i'm only born to die, why do I even try to hold on?

fall away, jeonggukWhere stories live. Discover now