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"June, for a girl as bright as you, I never expected you to be this blue." The girl with thick, colorful makeup sigh, her hand lingering around on the weakened girl's wrist.

The dim lights flickering on and off, like a ticking time bomb, the girl took one last glance at June, and stands up from her seat.

"I'm sorry June, I let the fun take over me now I have to face the consequences of you probably... leaving me?" The girl muttered lowly, in the hollow four walls, guilt painted on her colorful face which only hides her insecurities.

She takes her first shaky steps out of the beeping room, she never thought it could have gone this far, never, never, never.

Her mind is filled with what June and her used to be, soulmate that was platonically carved, like the constellations in the sky but one of the stars end up going too far for both of the girls to reach, therefore they took a sudden break and crash in the inbetweens.

The girl continued her walk with a frown stretching so low on her dark red lips,
resembling a clown in disguise.

Passing by people after people in the corridor of the scary building, this time she didn't walk in confidence but with her head hung low.

Ashamed of what she has caused,
the girl only allows the tears to flow once she reaches the doorstep of what she calls home.

why did you do it if you knew it will only
bring yourself harm and regret?

fall away, jeonggukWhere stories live. Discover now