Fall and Winter Chapter 1

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Fall and Winter Chapter 1

When Qrow and Winter parted ways, Winter could not hold back the tears. She started off on her long journey as quickly as she could. She was looking for someone. She researched everywhere she could and asked questions whenever possible until she finally found a location. It took her a couple of months to track down her target. Getting there was half the battle, arranging a meeting was the other half. Finally, Winter found herself face to face with the woman she had been seeking.

Winter: We need to talk, in private.

Raven: What are you doing here? What could we possibly have to talk about?

Winter: Your brother

Raven bows: Come in.

Winter had not told Qrow everything and she knew that he still had secrets of his own. She had made Raven her mission to settle personal matters as well as professional ones. She was keeping secrets from him that she hoped she could trust to another woman. Despite their differences, Winter was certain that next to her, Ruby and Yang, Raven was the most important person in Qrow's life. She considered this mission a complete success so far. She was confident as she entered Raven's tent. Her plan was to help Qrow and Raven, to help herself and her child, to help the team defeat Salem once and for all and to forge a future that reunited the people they loved most. This was the first step. As Winter stepped into the tent, she knew it was one of the most important steps that she would ever take.

Raven: Why are you here?

Winter: I was asked to find the Fall maiden. I believe I am looking at her.

Raven: I don't care what you believe. You don't have proof do you?

Winter: Nothing Definitive

Raven: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't send you back to Atlas right now.

Winter: Qrow has confided in me.

Raven: Qrow never confides in anyone.

Winter: No, not usually. He hasn't told me everything, not by a long shot but he trusts me. I know that he believes you blame him for your father's death and Summer's. He blames himself.

Raven: What else did my brother tell you?

Winter: I know you didn't go to Haven to kill your brother. I know that you were not working with Cynder. You went there to stop Cynder from getting the relic and you did. You care about Qrow and you care about Yang. Why do you pretend that you don't? You don't fool me.

Raven: If you are here to interrogate me, you are wasting your time.

Winter: I am here because we need you and you need us.

Raven: You are mistaken. I do not need you!

Winter: Yes, you do, if you want to keep your identity a secret. I know that you are the Fall maiden and the Spring maiden as well. That makes you very important to anyone who hopes to defeat Salem. It also makes you Salem's number one target. If I can figure it out, how long do you think it will take Salem to figure it out? If she does, you and your people will be in terrible danger.

Raven: What you have are suspicions. Where is your proof?

Winter: I don't need proof. My suspicions alone would be enough to bring the entire Atlas military here. I won't. My superiors do not know what I discovered. I have given them information that will mislead them, so no one will discover the identity of the Fall maiden.

Raven: Are you trying to blackmail me or just make me angry?

Winter: Neither. I want to be allies.

Raven: If you have something important to tell me about my brother then do it before I send you back to Atlas in a coffin.

Winter: Qrow is going to be a father...again.

Raven is surprised but remains calm: And that is why you are here. Does he know?

Winter: Yes, that is part of why I'm here. No, he doesn't know. No one does. I couldn't stay in Atlas or everyone would learn my secret. Qrow is a one man army trying to defeat Salem alone and keep everyone safe at the same time. He isn't ready to handle this right now. He can't defeat Salem alone. You can't defeat Salem alone. I discovered your secret and it is only a matter of time before someone else does. We have a common enemy. You and your people will never be free as long as Salem lives. None of us will be free until she is defeated. Together we can defeat her. We will have the power of all the maidens, the power of the relics, a silver-eyed warrior and her whole team, the power of the entire Atlas military and much more. Working together, we can finally end this. We can help each other.

Raven: Why would I trust you?

Winter: I came here alone. I told you my secret. I've kept your secret. Why would I trust you?

Raven: Follow me. Raven leads Winter to another tent. You can stay here for now. We will talk more tomorrow.

Winter sits on the bed rubbing her belly gingerly. She is exhausted and soon falls asleep.

Raven knows that Winter is right. She knows that she can not defeat Salem alone but she does not know who to trust. She decides that she must pay a visit to her brother. Not today she tells herself, but soon.

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