Chapter 3: Bras and Gummy Bears

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 3

At the start of each chapter from now on, I will have a photo that helps describe more about Claire.

-Ashton's POV-

"Guys the Keek starts in 10 seconds," Said Michael next to me. Yesterday was when Claire and her friend had come over and I still couldn't get Claire's face of my mind. The way her soft facial features were silhouetted by her brown curly hair. And the way her blue eyes seem to be able to read my mind sent shivers down my back. I knew I probably shouldn't feel this way, but I couldn't help how I felt, even if I had just met the girl. 

"3, 2, 1 Hello everyone!" Michael, signalling it was the start of the Keek, "Where are we going today Ashton?" He said turning the camera in my direction, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"To da city!" I said putting emphasis on 'city'.

"That's right the big boys are coming to town!" Said Luke from the backseat, causing us to laugh.

"Anyway today should be fun and we hope to see a meet a couple of fans along the way!" I said looking at the camera occasionally, considering I was driving.

"BYE," Calum and Luke shouted from the backseat until the Keek ended.

-Claire's POV-

"God we drove all the way to the city for the Victoria Secret sales and all you do is try on perfume!" said Mollie as she came out of the change room for the third time clutching the 'precious' bras to her chest.

"Hey, I'm happy doing what I'm doing!" I said defensively as I held two perfume bottles in my hand debating which one to buy.

"Oh god, if you are as stubborn in bed as you are now, god help your future boyfriend!" She said passing the piles of clothes she had to a shop assistant. I shook my head and looked back down at the bottles.

"Claire?" A voice called out from the front of the shop, I rolled my eyes before turning around and saying, "For the last time Molly I'm not trying on any..." But I stopped before I could finish the sentence. There standing in front of me was a familiar dirty blonde haired drummer, Ashton. I turned around to see Molly laughing her ass off. Of all the places to see Ashton Irwin, it had to be Victoria's Secret.

My face turned bright pink, "Hey, what are you doing in the city?" I asked as he walked over from the shop's entrance only to reveal that the rest of the guys were with him as well, of course. Causing Luke started laughing when he saw the expression on my face.

"Well, the boys and I know a guy who owns a supermarket which no one ever goes to and since it's such a nice day we decided to head up there and have some fun!" I he said smiling, "What about you?" he asked.

"Well, I told Molly about how this place was having a massive sale so she made me drive all the way out here so she could try on about a billion pairs of bras and I could awkward hover around shelves of perfume," I said, and he chuckled to himself before asking. "Wait, so you drove out here and you're not even going to try on a bra!" He said dumbfounded

"That's not really my type of thing," I said scrunching up my face.

"Hey, once you're done here do you and Molly wanna come with us?" He asked hopefully, I looked at him for a moment before looking back at Molly and shouted, "Hey Molly! Do you want to go to a random place with some boys which we met yesterday?"

"And Luke's girlfriend, Rose," he said casually. I turned back to Molly smiling, she shrugged her shoulders, "Sounds good, just let me go pay!" She said before racing over to the counter.

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