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"She is still out but her pulse is strong and her breathing is normal. We just have to wait for her to wake up." Dean announced as he packed up the first aid and left the room.
"Ok..." I whimpered leaning on the table trying to catch my breath and my sanity that was slowly running through my fingers.
Sam gently placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me around, "I'm sorry." He whispered with pain written all over his features.
I burrowed my head in his chest and let out the sobs I had been holding in all day. There were very few tears (they all came out earlier) but I couldn't stop the endless sobs from beating their way up my body and out through my throat shaking me to the core. Every trembling breath I took made me think of how my sister might not be breathing. Of how she might be in as bad of shape as mom if not worse. Of how I wasn't able to help her. Of how I abandoned them when they needed me. Of all the times I ignored her. Of all the times I yelled at her. Of all the times I forced her out of my room. Of the look on her face when I told her she wasn't my real sister. I was torturing myself.
Sam didn't say anything, which was smart, he just stroked my hair and held me tight resting his chin on the part in my hair.
We stayed like this for a long time, until my legs began to shake and head started spinning from too much oxygen.
"How about we sit down?" Sam asked tilting my chin up.
I nodded and crawled onto his lap when he sunk into a chair next to the table. I curled my knees up and pulled myself tight to his torso so I wouldn't fall off the chair. He began humming one of my favorite songs, Fall Into Me by Sugarland. At first I didn't think anything of it, hell I thought the radio had turned on in the other room then I realized it was coming from Sam.
He won't ever tell anyone or make anything of it but the boy can sing. He tries not to around Dean because he thinks he will get teased but I don't understand why. His voice is like Baby purring down the highway on a full tank of gas with a backseat full of delicious molten chocolate. It blew my butt out if the water.
"Can we go look for Joy now that Cas has come back?" I asked looking up at him from where my head was resting on his collar bone.
"As long as you don't try to run in blind." Sam relented. I smiled really big and pulled him
up out of the chair.
"Whoa calm down!"
"No way! We are going to find my sister and it's my first legit hunt type thing! I'm as excited as fuck!" I squealed trying to lug him down the hallway. He laughed and pulled me back into him wrapping me in his arms and kissing my forehead.
"Alright Sunshine, just make sure you're careful okay?" He asked.
I ignored his question so that I didn't have to lie and fired back my own, "Sunshine?" I raised my eyebrow and let a small smile inch onto my face as I snaked my hands around his waist and up his back.
"Well..." Sam began with a slight pink tint to his cheeks, "You make everyone happy. I haven't seen Dean smile let alone laugh like you make him in a long time. Plus you're just so.... Innocent isn't the word..."
"You would know." I interrupted with a wink.
This earned me another chuckle before he kissed me like he had when we were rudely interrupted by Cas. When we pulled away I kept my eyes closed for a moment to try and savor every second.
"You coming?" Sam asked from the doorway. I jogged up to him lacing my fingers through his and followed him down the hall with a giddy smile on my face.
We tracked down Dean and Cas ushering them into the library. After an hour of debating and me making lists to calm my nerves we had a plan set out. We were going to drive to the barn (about a state away) and check there for her first while Cas kept a look out at the place he found mom just in case Joy showed up there. We got Charlie to leave her kingdom with her second in command so someone would be here when mom woke up and then started packing the goods. Multiple angel blades per person, guns, salt filled shotgun shells, ten pound bags of salt, spray paint, heavy duty duct tape, iron chains and countless other things got thrown into Baby's trunk which I then impulsively organized while the boys grabbed some clothes.
"So now you're OCD?" Dean asked tossing his duffle bag on top of my previously organized trunk and knocking a few things out of place.
"Thank you ass hat. It's an outlet for my nervous energy." I grumbled.
Dean just smiled proudly and said, "well now you can get even more of it out!"
I rolled my eyes and re arranged the trunk yet again with a little more vigor this time.
"Hey, Shunshine? Where can we fit these?" Sam asked standing by a tail light holding up two more duffle bags. Dean scoffed at the nickname and Sam and I both flipped him off.
"Thank you for ASKING" I said putting emphasis on the last word and glaring at Dean. He rolled his eyes and started the car, our signal to hurry the hell up and get in.
We took off after saying our goodbyes to Charile and making sure she still knew where everything in the bunker was. Normally I would have fallen asleep the second we hit the winding back roads but I couldn't even lay down I was so amped up.
"Sammy control your girl she's practically bouncing off the ceiling." Dean joked after about two hours of driving.
"Yeah man... No one controls her. We already discussed this." Sam replied making light of our earlier argument.
"The only way to calm me down is to drive faster." I sassed to which Dean responded by flooring it and almost skidding off the road.
"Then again I would like to survive this trip." I revised clutching the backs of their seats and anchoring myself into the worn leather.
"I second that." Sam agreed.
Dean simply rolled his eyes and silence fell on the car. So much so that I was finally able to fall asleep with my feet propped up on Dean's shoulder after only a little protest.
When I woke up my neck and back were aching like I had fallen off a pickup flat onto my back. I sat up in a daze and registered that I was the only one in the car. After a moment or two of panick it clicked that we had stopped for gas and Dean was standing just outside the car while Sam was stocking up on what I assumed would be the closest thing you can get to rabbit food at a 7-11.
I cranked down Baby's back window and stuck my head out, "hey Dean where are we?"
"About four hours out. Did you have a nice nap?" He replied grumpily.
"Yes actually! You sound like you need one though." I mumbled as I pulled my head back into the car.
"That actually sounds like a good idea. Dean, sleep and I'll drive." Sam offered as he handed me some chips and a chocolate bar through the window then tossed the rest of his plunder in the front seat. No rabbit food and chocolate? I like apologetic Sammy.
"You don't know where we're going" Dean argued with a suppressed yawn.
"Then I will drive!" I said with a smile as I crawled over the seat and behind the wheel.
Dean threw a fit about it but eventually I won and he fell asleep almost immediately after we left the gas station. Sam and I talked and shared the bag of chips as if this were a totally normal road trip. When we passed the college I went to I was able to pretty much go on auto pilot and direct most of my attention to Sam rather than what I was driving towards which was a good thing. If I thought about it too much I gave myself a panick attack.
"You didn't go to prom?" Sam asked in astonishment as we crossed the county line where I grew up.
"My school didn't have proms we had JSB. It was prom without dancing and we all went and danced at someone's house afterwards anyways." I explained.
"They wouldn't let you dance?"
"Nope. The school board was convinced that dancing lead to sex standing up which people have tried to tell them is way too hard to do without being caught but they still hold fast to their rules." I ranted like I still went there and was mad about not getting a dance. I was mad though, mostly because the year after I graduated they got dances.
"It's not that hard." Sam said popping a chip in his mouth. "As long as you have a wall and some know how..." He smirked at me as my face went bright red.
"Sam I'm driving! Don't do that!" I protested making sure he understood just how.... Uhm.... Excited(? turned on wasn't the right term) that got me.
"You two are nauseating." Dean complained as he sat up and rubbed his eyes in a 'completely manly fashion' as he will tell you.
"Whatever, we are ten minutes out so you won't have to deal with us in a confined space much longer." I comforted with a sly smile. Dean gave me a 'thank god' look in the rear view mirror that started a funny face contest between the two of us that had us giggling like little girls.
"See. I told you Sunshine was accurate." Sam said proving his earlier point.
I blushed a little, "I'm not that important..." I mumbled shyly.
"Why do you think we kept you around? It's certainly not your housekeeping abilities." Dean joked as we pulled onto the dirt road that the barn was on.
'IM HOT BLOODED CHECK IT AND SEE IVE GOT A FEVER OF A HUNDRED AND THREE CMON BABY DO YOU DO MORE THAN DANCE IM HOT BLOODED HOT-' Dean's phone sang out at full volume as he fumbled with it trying to answer.
"Yo Charlie what's with the ringtone?" He answered. That made the ringtone make more sense seeing as it was one of her favorite songs. "Sure, here she is." He said handing me the phone.
"Is she awake?" I asked immediately without even saying hi.
"Yeah, I gave her some morphine and she isn't in much pain now but she keeps mumbling about a baby. I don't know if she is talking about you or Joy but she keeps saying "my baby" and shaking her head." Charlie's words whizzed through the phone at a thousand miles per hour.
"Can you put her on?" I asked trying not to get choked up.
"Evelynn?" My mom croaked into the phone.
It had been so long since I heard her talk I had to take a moment to steady my voice before I responded.
"Yeah mom it's me."
"Oh honey! This girl says you're looking for Joy, is that true?" She asked seemingly caught up on our situation.
"Yeah, I'm almost to the old barn." I answered.
"Don't go near her! Something's wrong with her just stay away for your own safety! She took Olly somewhere and when she came back she..." Mom stopped and took a deep breath, "she killed her father.... And. Did..." She couldn't finish her sentence and broke down into sobs.
"She did that to you?" I asked in shock as I turned off the headlights and pulled into the barn driveway.
"Yes. And she still has Olly and I don't know what is going to happen to hi-"
"Who the hell is Olly?" I asked. I knew I had missed some family developments but I was pretty sure there were no Ollys on the fam tram.
"Her baby. She dropped out of med school after she got pregnant last year."
"Shit okay mom I have to go. Get rest. I will take care of it okay?" I instructed to which she just mumbled an acknowledgement.
I hung up and explained to the boys what mom told me while we parked and got our weapons out of the back. I barely managed to keep my cool and continue functioning with all the adrenaline pumping through me.
"Sounds like she's possessed." Dean said tucking a flask of holy water in his pocket.
"But what would a demon want with a baby?" Sam asked then immediately followed it with, "we killed Azazle and I'm pretty sure your mom never made a deal."
"I don't care. We need to find them either way." I snapped grabbing an angel blade and a holy water flask and walking towards the barn at a brisk pace. They boys hurried to follow me but said nothing in the way of protesting my lead. I climbed into the barn through the window and went around to open the big door for the boys. I could tell people had been here recently. There were footprints everywhere and new beer bottles strewn about not to mention I could see a crack of light through the safe house 'hidden' door.
We pulled our knives and got ready to knock down the door when it opened up and Joy stepped out covered in blood holding a beautiful blonde baby boy.
"I thought I sensed a power house! Look Olly there's your auntie." She cooed bouncing the baby onto her other hip to get a better look at me. "Too bad she's going to have to die." She said in a sing song voice sticking out her bottom lip in mock sadness.
"Joy what the hell are you doing?" I asked keeping my voice level and calm so as not to upset Olly.
"Oh my God! What is it with you people?! I'm NOT JOY! My name is Persephone but everyone in Hell calls me Penny. And I, not Joy, was looking for you!" She said with a bright shining 'best customer service award' smile and flashing her coal black eyes.
"What are the demons so interested in her for?" Sam asked taking a step forward while Dean walked around behind Penny.
"Oh sweety you really are stupid. She is beyond powerful." Penny sneered, "why wouldn't we?"
"Go!" Dean yelled as he jumped on Penny sending her straight at Sam who snatched Olly out of her arms and quickly handed him off to me.
Penny screamed in outrage and flicked Sam against the wall and Dean up against the tractor. She stood up and brushed herself off with an annoyed smile turning to me and flicking her wrist in a summoning motion. When nothing happened she looked confused and tried again to no avail.
I shifted Olly to one hip, walked up to her very calmly and pointed my gun at her thigh. I looked her in the eyes and noticed my eyes were glowing in the reflection of the glassy black where Joy's beautiful blue eyes were supposed to be.
"Sorry Joy. This will hurt. A lot." I whispered and shot her in the thickest part of ther thigh with a demon trapped bullet.

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