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  • Dedicata a Irvin Lam and Jarod Wee


Copyright ® All Rights Reserved

Chapter Three : Maybe.

"Tell me one more time, tell me what you wanted to say. Don't be afraid, maybe we'll be something more than what we are now."

Calum Irvin Hayes

7th November 2014, 7:45 p.m.

Dear Chrissy,

Hey. I know this is gonna be akward but I just want to say that I like you. Actually I think I love you. All the times we had together and all the joy and laughter; in my mind I thought we were meant to be. Your smile makes me think that I'm not alone in this lonely world and your frown makes my smile go upside down. But in the end, it all comes back to you, I love you and well that’s up to you whether you want “us” to be together or not and even if you think that “we” wont happen, I still wish to be your best friend. I don’t want all our friendship to be thrown away just like that so if you do accept, lets overcome what life throws at us together but if you don’t, well, I just hope we can still be friends.

Sincerely ,

"No. No. No." I thought, as I balled up the paper and threw it into the bin. "A poem maybe."

Dear Chrissy,
You're always in my thoughts
You're always in my dreams
And so a life without you would
Just tear away at seam

It's you that keeps me up all night
The one getting me through the day, and all the trouble
And so it seems to me that there
Is only one thing left to say

I don't know how to say it
To make it sound so true
So I'll say it how I feel it
I think I'm falling for you,
Or maybe I could say
I'm completely in love with you.


"No... It's not good enough." I said, balling up the paper and throwing it into the bin.

Chrissy is the nicest girl I've ever met. She's funny and friendly. I knew her since we were in diapers. Literally. We've been through ups and downs. Lefts and rights. I don't know how I could live without her.

The day I realized I actually liked her was when we were in a dinner in a very sophisticated place. We were just little kids, but I know that what I felt then when I saw her, was love. Butterflies start forming in my stomach and my heart beats fast. She was gorgeous. That red dress she wore, was breathtaking. When she stepped into the room, everyone stopped and look. The smile on her face can make anyone's day better.

Oh, screw this. I'll tell her face to face.

I grabbed my skateboard and went to the park. I waited for Chrissy in our usual spot under the oak tree. I was a little early, I stood there, box in my hand, I'm pacing back and forth.

"How should I tell her?"

"Will it jeopardize our friendship?"

"But I don't want to loose her."

"Cal!" I heard that sweet voice called out behind me.

"Chris!" I said, smiling as I hugged her.

"So what's up?" she asked me, eyeing the box.

"Well, remember when I said if you get the part for Clara, I'll get you something?" I said, raising my eyebrow.

She nodded her head, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

"I got you this necklace," I said while I bring it our of the box. "Here, I'll help you wear it."

The necklace is gorgeous. It's a little heart in a triangle, and in the triangle, there hold the initials of both our names.

"It's so beautiful. Thank you!" she half shouted and jumped up and down.

I watched her as she fangirl over the necklace. I smirked.

"You know I've always thought of us as more than friends, right?" I said, eyes on the ground.

"Oh, so we're friends now," she joked, and winked at me. "Good to know."

"Chrissy, you know I.... you know. More than best friends?"

"Mega best friends?" she said, with that laughter after that.

"No, Chris. No." I said rolling my eyes.

"Super ultimate best friends?"

I shook my head.

"Super mega ultimate best friends that's gonna rule the world someday?"

I smiled. "That is your dream, isn't it? But, no. "

"Super ultimate mega ultra best frie-"

"You know I like you, you do. You know." I said, cutting her off.

"Wha-?" She said, a shock expression coming on to her face.

"I mean, it's nothing. I was just kidding. Ha. Ha. Ha. " I got up, grabbed my skateboard and walked away.

"Way to ruin your friendship, Calum." I thought.


"Now she's going to hate you forever." I thought and continue walking away.

Forgotten.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora