Don't Catch Me.

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  • Dedicated to Demi Lovato


Copyright ® All Rights Reserved

Chapter One : Don't Catch Me.

" You're so hypnotizing, you've got me laughing while I sing, you've got me smiling when I sleep. Your love is where I'm falling, but please don't catch me. "

Chrissy Megan Cosgrove

6th November 2014, 6:32 p.m.

The cold air bristled through the trees. Cold, like how the tension is right now. The wind blew at my face, sending my long brown hair flying behind me. My hands, even under the warm leather gloves, are shaking. Fear crept up my spine. Is he going to tell me the truth?

I snuggled into my scarf. Finally, looking up, looking into those pair of eyes I didn't want to meet. Those brown eyes got me melting the first time I came upon it.

"There's something. I need to tell you." he started. He played with the  zipper of his jacket.

We sat on the railing, in the park,  overlooking the city. I grabbed on to the railing, not wanting to fall.

"What is it?" I mumbled, not really wanting to hear the answer to my question.

"I'm sorry. "

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault you like her. "

"Wait. You know about this?"

"Knowing about you liking Jenna? Of course. It's obvious. "

"Oh. Uh. Oh." He looked away.

"But what I don't get is, why am I the last to know?" I whispered and looked at my feet. I took a deep breath and bit back the tears. My voice quavered.

I've liked Kyle since the seventh day of the second term of 8th grade. We were in school teams together. I was new to school, he helped me a lot. He was athletic, nice, friendly and cute. Anyone would fall for him. But I fell for him hard. We became really close. Best friends even. We shared our deepest and darkest secret. Sharing our fears and flaws. It was two in the morning and we were talking. That was when I found out, I fell for him, big time.

He eventually found out I like him. I denied it, like every other human being would. But I put my hands up and surrender after a few weeks of him asking me, pestering me, annoying me. But even after he found out, he treats me like a sister. We were still very close.

We have the same circle of friends, as we were very close. Jenna is one of our best friend. I knew that they liked each other for a long time. Everyone knew they were dating.

Everyone except me.

"Why?" I asked again. This time, taking out all the courage that's left in me, I brought my head up to look at him in the eye. I held my breath, holding back my tears, waiting for the answer I already know, but still not wanting to know.

He took a deep breath and look at me. His hand raking his soft brown hair. His shoulders, broad and square. His jaw line, just highlighting his cheekbones. His eyes, as brown as ever, so mesmerizing. The color is just a light tint of brown, just able to see the dark pupil of his eyes.

"Because," he paused and look away, took a deep breath and look back at me, "I didn't want to hurt you."

I knew it. I knew it. I knew it.

"Oh. " was the only word that I can speak of now.

I looked across the horizon into the city. I know he meant well. Not wanting to hurt me and all. But what he doesn't know is. Keeping it from me and letting me to find out myself is the worst of the worst. It's like spreading salt onto the wound. The pain is excruciating.

"I'm sorry. " he said.

He touched my hand and squeezed it. His touch burned on my skin. I shut my eye and looked away. I flinched at his touch. But I did not move away. Because I need him. I need his comfort. But I couldn't want it, I couldn't have it. And he knows. He knows.

"No, it's fine. It's all good. Don't apologize. I don't control you. It's your life. You have the freedom to like who you want to. It's not your fault. I'm fine. Don't worry." I said, forcing a smile and squeezed his hand.

"Are you sure?" he arched his eyebrow.

"Yes. I'm sure."

It's not the truth.

"Really?" he asked again.

"Yeah. Really."

Help. Me.

"So we're cool?" A tiny smile started forming by the end of his mouth.

He seems so happy now. I have to let go.

" Yeah, we're cool. "

I'm done. Just hide how you feel, don't show it. He's happy like this. Let it be.

"Chrissy," he said, "you're the best." He reached out and hugged me.

I felt his body against mine. I melted. I need him. I want him. No. Let go and move on. Don't feel, don't feel, don't feel. Move on. It's time now.

I was at the edge in the split middle of the line between moving on and giving up.

I know I won't have a chance. I'm still hoping. I know I must move on and let go. I tried but I can't.

I looked at Kyle. He's happy now. He glanced at me and gave me his million dollar smile. The smile that made me fall for him in the first place.

I'm falling for him all over again. Just like the first time I met him. The butterflies in my stomach and my heart beating fast.

But this time, let me fall. Please, don't catch me.

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