Don't Wanna Dance Alone.

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  • Dedicated to Fifth Harmony


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Chapter Two : Don't Wanna Dance Alone.

"Oh, it's been so long. Thinking bout the feeling of your arms, wrapped around my body is what I want. So baby , come and get me because I don't wanna dance alone."

Chrissy Megan Cosgrove

7th November 2014, 5:15 p.m.

I ran through the streets, hands working through my hair, rushing to tie it into a bun. My sling bag bouncing behind me as I dashed across the road into my dance studio.
I've always loved dancing. I've been dancing ever since I knew how to walk. When I was 3, mom sent me to a studio called 'Dance Centre' for dance classes. I've learned all kind of dances. But the only style of dancing I've been continuing is ballet. I love dancing ballet. It's a way I could express my feelings through, it's a way I can tell my story. It's like I could tell the story of my life through dancing. Ballet is classical, but there's a contemporary side to it. Sometimes, when words can't explain the situation, dancing could.

I ran past the two revolving door of the centre into the second room on the right. It's usually where I have my rehearsals for ballet recitals. I heard music coming from the dance floor.

I was exasperated. Am I late? I peeked into the dance floor, and saw the familiar red head fiddling with the piano. I heaved a huge sigh. She turned around and saw me standing by the door. She smirked.

"Thought you were late?" she said, stiffling a laugh.

"Damn you. I thought I was late." I retorted.

"Well, hello to you too sunshine." she said, shaking her head, hiding her smile.

I rolled my eyes and started mumbling about how she scared me to death. The red haired girl is Alexa. She's my dancing mate and a good advisor. We knew each other since I was 5 years old when we were put into partnering. We're good friends, best friends even. Being in the same school, except she's a year older. So, technically, she's 17 and I'm 16. But we bond over the same things.

"Not in the mood for you sunshine days , Al . " I said while getting my pointe shoes from my bag.

She sat down next to me and started to tie the laces of her shoe. We sat in silence for a few minutes. Each getting ready for our rehearsal.

This year, we're doing 'The Nutcracker.' I was chosen to be "Clara" and Alexa was chosen to be "The Sugar Plum Fairy." Not to brag, but our teacher thinks we're one of the best dancers in the school, so she gave us the main role. Basically, 'The Nutcracker .' is about a girl, named Clara, received a wooden soldier - Nutcracker, for her Christmas present. She had a dream that night of Nutcracker bringing her to a magical land, and also being invaded by rats and a hint of love story. She then woke up and realize it was a dream.

"So , Chris, why so grumpy?" Al asked.

I was about to answer her and tell her everything that happened with Kyle when we heard chatters behind us and we saw the teacher - Ms.Delancy , walking in. Ms.Delancy is my favourite teacher of all times. She's friendly and nice and treats all of us just like her daughters.

"Tell you later." I mouthed to Al. She just shrugged and went to the dance floor. I was confused for a moment. I looked at her and realized I had to dance too and ran to the dance floor.

"And one and two and three and... No. No. No. No. Chrissy. It's a 'piruottè on de dans'. You turn towards the bending leg." Ms.Delancy pointed out from across the dance floor.

"I'm sorry ," I mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"Let's take a break, everyone," Ms.Delancy sighed, "Chrissy, stay here."

I walked towards Ms.Delancy when everyone else gave me a vague look while they walk out of the class. I know I messed up, but I've been thinking a lot. My mind is just confused. I need some time alone.

"Chrissy, what happened," she asked, " You're not usually like this." She poured me a cup of water and handed it to me.

"It's nothing. Just some personal stuffs." I mumbled while sipping the drink.

"Well, you better put it aside because the show is next month. We need you, okay?"

"Yes, Ms.Delancy." I replied.

"Let's start from the top. PLACES EVERYONE." Ms.Delancy's voice rang through the room.

Everyone shuffled to their places. They got to their starting positions. I stood by the side, waiting for my cue to come on.

"Why didn't he want to tell me." I thought, "Why is he holding back from me."

"Why don't he trust me. I tell him everything."

"Was I never good enough for a friend?"

"What if-" "Chrissy!" A voice cut through my thoughts. I looked up. Everyone was looking at me. Ms.Delancy looked pissed and Al who stood behind me, was smirking.

"You missed your cue, Chris." Al whispered.

"Oh. Uh. I'm sorry?" I gave a feeble smile across the room. Ms.Delancy folded her arms in front of her and shook her head.

"Let's start from the top. And this time, do not miss your cue, Chrissy." Ms. Delancy said, giving me a stern look.

This time , when the music started, I did not miss my cue. All I thought about was the dance. Well, maybe not 100% of my thoughts are on dancing. 

"OW! CHRISSY! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GO LEFT!" shouted Jessica. Jessica is a drama queen and a diva. So, I'm not surprise she's making a big deal out of this.

"Oops?" I said while hiding a laugh. Everyone hates her, so part of them were actually happy I stepped on her toe.

"EVERYONE. I THINK IT'S ENOUGH FOR TODAY. PACK UP." Ms. Delancy's voice rang through the room.  "And Chrissy. Be more focused tomorrow."

"THAT WAS AWESOME." Al said, coming behind me.

"Well, I didn't mean to." I said, stiffling a laugh.

We looked at each other. Being silent for a moment. Then burst out laughing. We laughed for 10 minutes. My stomach hurts by the time we stopped.

We walked together towards the door. On the way out, we heard pop music coming out of one of the rooms. I bid goodbye to Al and walked towards the music. It was 'Read All About It' by Emily Sande.

I looked inside the room. It was Eric and Belinda dancing inside. They're both young adult dancers. They're practicing their dance for the competition. They don't realize it, but all of us see it. Both of them love each other, but they're just too shy to admit it. It's cute seeing them flirting like they've just met.

I see Eric's hand holding Belinda's hand. His hand on her hips while they danced. His head on her head and their legs inclined together. So in sync. So much passion. So much feelings. So much chemistry.

I looked away. Couldn't bear to see what I could've had if I didn't miss the chance. Flashback to the time I lost. I was stupid and innocent.

He liked me. He actually liked me. But he didn't say it. I know about it. I liked him too. We could've gotten together. We could've been a happy couple. But no. I lost it. I let go my one and only chance. And now, I'm here, regretting the chances I never took. Not taking risks when I should've.

It's gone. I had it. But it's gone.

If only he was here right now. If only, we realized the chances we lost. You could be the prince and I could be the princess. We would live like a fairytale. We would dance that last dance. You would hold my hand and I would've accepted that dance. Into the moonlight, we'll keep dancing. Looking into each others' eye and not wanting to look away.

But that's just not the truth.

Could you come back to me. Let's rewind time. Let's have that last dance. Hold me in your arms. And this time. Don't let me dance alone.

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