chapter 17: Froggy introduction

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Y/n pov

I quietly breathe as the atmosphere in the room was thick with tension. I was currently sitting in one of the Asui's couch. I turn my head slightly to see that Tsuyu was in the same boat as me. I look up across from us to see Tsuyu's father glaring at me. He was sitting on the other couch as I could hear her mother humming in the kitchen as she was making tea. I look to the side of him to see her siblings sitting on the floor. Her brother look bored as her sister looked at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"Tea's ready" Tsuyu's mother sang with happy tone in her voice.

She places the tray of cups in the small table and serves everyone their cups of tea. I thank her for the tea as I take a sip. It was a simple cup of green tea, but it warmed up my body. I place the cup down as Tsuyu's mother's voice breaks the silence.

" Now that we have our tea, I believe introductions are in order" She says in a gentle voice. " I'm Tsuyu's mother, Beru Asui and this is her father Ganma. And I believe you've met other two children. Our son's name is Samidare and our daughter is Satsuki."

"Nice to meet you all. My name is Y/n L/n" I say to them. " I'm a classmate of Tsuyu's."

"Oh are you now? Beru asked with a smile. "I suppose you're trying to become a hero as well?"

"Yes ma'am, I am" I responded.

"My aren't you a respectful young man" She said with a smile. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your quirk?"

"My quirk is called shadow wolf. I'm able to summon my partner and friend, Zwei" I tell her. " Hey Zwei, come introduce yourself."

Zwei forms in his puppy form. He stretches his body and shakes his body. He takes a sit by my legs and faces her parents.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Zwei and-" Zwei was cut off by a a surprise hug.

"Doggy!!" Satsuki shouted as she held in Zwei in a bear hug. I couldn't help but let a small chuckle escape as Zwei stares at me.

"Please tiny frog human, let me breath..." Zwei gasped.

Oblivious to his request, Satsuki snuggled her head against him. Suddenly Zwei began to grow in size. Unable to keep her arms around him, Satsuki held onto his body as her eyes shined with surprise. She gleefully laughed as she hugged his neck. Unsure on what to do, Zwei turned to face me.

"What should I do now?" Zwei asked me.

"Either lay down and accept her love, or play with her if her parents don't mind" I tell him with a smile. "I know you're secretly enjoying this."

Zwei huffed as he walk towards Beru as Satsuki sat on his back.

"Go horsey!" Satsuki ordered as she laughed.

"Ma'am would you mind if I entertain your daughter?" Zwei asked Beru.

"I don't see why not. You don't seem like a dangerous creature" Beru said. "Samidare, would you show him to our backyard? Feel free to join them if you'd like."

"Sure mom" Samidare said as he got up and walked away with Zwei following him.

I smiled at the sight till something hit me. Zwei was leaving me...meaning I was now facing Ganma without any help. I've basically left myself open to anything. I could feel my pulse began to increase as I got nervous again.

" did you meet our daughter?" Ganma asked me in a serious tone.

"Oh well I ran into her on my first day. That was the day when we were attacked at the USJ" I replied. " We were separated from the group and attacked by villains. I was able to protect her when she got hurt."

The Wolf and the Frog ( Tsuyu Asui x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now