Chapter 13: Shadow vs Acid

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Y/n pov

"The next contestant placed 4th in the obstacle course and was able to pull his team to third in the cavalry battle!!" Present Mic announced. "Please welcome Y/n L/n!!!!"

I take a deep breath before I walk out towards the ring. I head towards the ring as the crowd cheers. I managed to keep my composure as make to the middle of the ring.

"And now entering the arena, she placed second in the cavalry battle. She's the pink hero in training, Mina Ashido!!!" Present Mic shouted as Mina walked towards the arena.

I watch her every movement as she walks towards the middle of the arena. We stare at each other as Midnight prepares to start the match. A small breeze passed over as our hair moved along with it.

"Zwei if you can, show up when the moment occurs ok?" I told him mentally.

"I understand kid. I'll be on standby" Zwei replied.

"Begin!!" Midnight shouted as Mina threw a glob of acid of me.

I manage to duck as the acid flew over me. I run towards Mina and tried to grab a hold of her. However she started to skate on her acid. I stopped as she began to circle me while throwing acid at me. So far I've been able to dodge all of acid. If I can't get to her, maybe she'll some to me.

"If you're gonna continue being a chicken and staying away from me, maybe I won't need to have Zwei help me defeat such a weak opponent" I said with a smile.

Mina growled at my insult. She began to slide directly at me. I wait for the right moment as she comes closer towards me with acid building up in the cups of her hands. She gets within arm length as she flings both handfuls of acid towards me. I managed to dodge one but of them hit me directly on the chest. As she tried to slide pass me, I managed to put an arm around her and pulled her down to the ground. She grabbed my arm as she fell and managed to cause us to roll. She managed to land on top as we struggled for power. She glared at me while I tried to shake her off.

"Why are you so angry at me!?" I asked loud enough for her to hear.

"You know why!!" She yelled at me. "You made Tsuyu cry!!"

Her words hit me hard. Honestly in hindsight, I should have realized this. They are good friends. I managed to get my feet underneath her and was able to kick her off. I stood up and felt my shirt fall off due to the acid.

"That wasn't my intent! I never wanted to hurt her!!" I screamed at her.

At this point the crowd went silent as I ran towards Mina. We grabbed onto each other and held tightly to one another.

"Then why?? Why did you reject her!?" Mina yelled back.

I bared my teeth at her as I managed to get behind her. I lifted her off her feet and suplex her towards the ground. I rolled away and got back up.

"It's none of your business why!!" I shouted. I watched as Mina struggled to get up.

"When you of my friends...cry, it business" Mina said as she tried to catch her breath.

She stood was close to the edge of the ring. Her shadow was facing me...meaning my shadow was behind. This is my chance...I can finish this. I began to run towards as she builds acid in her hands again. As I got close, she tossed them at me. I surprise her by sliding underneath them as she looks down at me.

"Now Zwei!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Zwei formed from my shadows and leaped towards Mina. She looked up to see Zwei falling towards her. He managed to land on her causing her to stumble back and fall over. Zwei stayed on top of her as I stood up.

"Due to ring out, the winner of the round is Y/n L/n!!!!" Midnight shouted.

As the crowd cheered for my victory, I walked towards Mina. Zwei began to lick Mina's cheek as she sat up. I stretch my hands towards her. Zwei gets off her and returns to my shadow as she glared at me for a second. She sighs and accepts my help. I pull her up as the crowd cheers at our sportsmanship.

"I really am sorry for making her cry. I never wanted that" I told as I turned around to head back towards the tunnel I came from.

"Why? Tell me why you told her no" Mina asked. I stopped and without looking at her, I opened to answer her.

" I did it to keep her safe" I simply said and began to head back.

I enter my tunnel and head towards the locker room to get a back up shirt. As I enter the room, I see Fumikage sitting in one of the chairs. I ignore him and got an extra shirt from my bag. He kept his eyes closed the entire time I was there. As I open the door to leave, I decided to let him know what was on my mind.

"I kept my word. Don't you lose your fight" I said to him. He scoffs at my words and doesn't say anything. I leave room area and head back towards my friends to see next fight.

Tsuyu pov:

I waited for Mina as she was walking back to the seating area. I stood as I thought of what happened during her fight. I didn't expect her to bring it up during their fight. I could see some of classmates look at me, not knowing what had happened between Y/n and me. I sigh knowing that eventually they were gonna find out. I began to hear footsteps coming from the hallway. I turn to see Mina walking down. She looked disappointed as she kept her head down.

"Hey Mina, are you ok?" I asked her.

"Hey Tsu. Besides losing, I'm ok" she said frowning at me.

" You did a good job though. I'm sure you managed to impress some heroes with your creativity ribbit" I told her in hopes to cheer her up.

"I guess, but still would of been great to win" Mina said. She looked up at me with small smile. "And even though I'm still mad at Y/n, I could tell he meant what he said."

"Which reminds me, why did you have to shout about it. I'm sure the entire audience heard it" I said as I huff at her.

" Yeah sorry about. Guess I let my anger take over" she said as she put up an embarrassed smile. "But I really am sorry for that."

I sighed as I smile at her. For better or worse, this was Mina. We head back as we continued to talk. We finally arrive back in the seating area and take a seat for the next match. I see that Y/n was sitting and having conversation with Izuku. I wonder if I should say something to him. I look at him as I thought through this. I wonder how he felt after hearing what Mina said to him. I placed my hand over my chest as my mind continued to wonder about.

"...uyu. Hello Tsuyu are you there?" I hear Mina saying as she waved he hand in front of my face.

"Huh did you say something Mina?" I asked her.

" I said are you ok. You were staring at Y/n for a while" She told me.

I blush as she said that. I can't believe she caught me staring at him. I shook my head as I clear my mind. I accepted his decision. We're still friends afterwards. I calm myself down. Hopefully we'll get pass this and everybody will forget what was said between Mina and Y/n. It's not like this will be brought up again.

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