Chapter 16: Dream to Nightmare

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Y/n pov:

I slowly open my eyes as some sunlight blinds me. I squint my eyes till I was able to look around. Groggily, I look around to see I was in my room. That's when I realize that there was something heavy laying on my chest. I raise my head to see a green ball laying on my chest.

"What the...?" I said to myself.

The green ball began to stir. It slowly rose as I stood there shocked. Tsuyu looked up dazed from waking up. Her hair was untidy and she looked like she has been up for a while. She looked at me and for a brief moment, we stared at each other. She then realized what was happening. She began to blush and without a word rushed out of my room.

Wait....why was Tsuyu in my room? How did I get in my room? What happened? I began mutter to myself in confusion. I don't normally talk to myself but it wouldn't be the first time. Maybe Izuku has been rubbing off on me. I'm finally brought back to reality when I hear a knock at my door.

"C-come in?" I said nervously. I watch carefully as the door open. I watch as a familiar face enters my room. "Uncle Diego!"

My uncle smiles at me as he brings a chair closer to my bed. I watch as the sunlight makes his brown hair look lighter.

"Well looks like your finally awake" Diego calmly said. "That match of yours really intense."

"Yeah...Uncle Diego how exactly did I get here?" I asked him

"Well pequeno, apparently what happened was you were found unconscious by your friend" He told me. "Tell me...that shadow armor was incomplete again wasn't it?"

"Yeah it was..." I said disheartingly. "So how long was I asleep?"

"A day and half more or less" Diego told me.

" the way uncle, why is Tsuyu here?" I asked him.

"Oh you mean your girlfriend? She's been here since I carried you home" He told me. "She's been watching over you ever since."

"She's not my girlfriend uncle..." I say him as my face heats up. Why would she do all that? After what I said to her...

I feel a something hit my head as I close my eyes in pain. I slowly open one of eyes to see my uncle's right hand had transformed into a wolf paw.

"What was that for?!" I groaned.

"Por ser un idiota" He says with a smile, his arm reverting back. "A beautiful young girl who tried to nurse you back to health and you haven't asked her to be yours? Talk about a stupid mistake."

He begins to chuckle as I puff out my cheeks. His bluntness was something that I could live without. He began to stand up and walk towards the door.

"Now if you can stand, there's a surprise for you in the kitchen" He said to me as he winked at me.

I tilt my head in confusion as he walked out. I sighed as I got up from bed. My legs felt weird for a moment as I stood up. It was probably for not moving them for so long. The feeling goes away quickly as I put on a simple t shirt and jeans.

I quickly brush my teeth and head towards the kitchen. Sitting at the table was Diego and Tsuyu and in the center of the table was a beautiful stack of chocolate pancakes. The smell filled the room and it brought memories of my mom. I smiled as I took a seat at the table.

"Wow uncle these look great!" I exclaim as everyone filled their plates. I poured syrup as Diego put banana slices on his. I watch as Tsuyu added jelly to hers.

"They sure do but I didn't make them" He said with a chuckle.

"Wait if you didn't, then who..." I stop talking as I look at Tsuyu. She had a slight blush as she fidget with her fingers.

The Wolf and the Frog ( Tsuyu Asui x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now