" He was immensely powerful, and more evolved than the other Brines. He was smarter, more cunning, a perfect combination of brains and brawn, destined to be the leader of all Brines. And he did. He became the strongest leader in their time, defeating anyone or anything that stood in his way.

  "Long story short. The Brines realized that he was too powerful and intelligent, and they didn't like the way he was leading them, so they rebelled against him, all of the Brines against him.

  " He ran, of course. He was no match for all the Brines combined, but then he met a Creator, a rare species that respected life and were peace loving, that they agreed on one thing. The Brines were too savage, and had ravaged the world enough.

  "So they teamed up and took down the arrogant but stupid Brines, one by one, then they took over the world and ruled together, swearing an oath to become brothers, if not by birth, then by blood.

  " They created a new world, but legend whispered that the spirit of the Brines still remained, waiting for their chance to rise again.

  " Still, oath or not, a Brine is still a Brine. The power hungry defect still lives in his genes. He grew tired of ruling beside his blood brother, and after centuries of peace, he fought the Creator for the place of ruler.

  "The Creator truimphed, but couldn't kill his blood brother, so he banished the Brine into the Nether, the original homeworld of the Brines, and closed all the portals, so he would not interfere and try to destroy the new world they created. The Creator then settled down, and enjoyed more centuries of peace. Until now."

  "So, you are the Creator, yes?" Steve asked.

  Notch nodded," Indeed. And now that he has been brought to justice in my custody, you may now rest."

  Steve then went back to his domitary. Something just didn't feel right. If Herobrine was as bad as Notch sounded, why wouldn't he kill him? And from what he had seen of the Brine, he didn't seem to fear death by Notch.

  And maybe Notch did send the rest of the students home, but how would he explain to the families of those who had died?

  That reminded him. Notch just killed his own students without showing any sign of remorse or regret. It was like he didn't even cared. If so, how was he different from Herobrine, who was another cold blooded killer?

  He took out his notebook, scanning those lines he had scrawled down from the ruins of towns and villages that Herobrine had raided.

  Rage against the world enslavers
  Evergreen the world may be
  Vengeance, sweet as fresh blood
  Even under pain of death
  Never will the fires fade

  One thing for certain. He had to find out more. There were important pieces of the puzzle that he didn't understand, and those very pieces were missing.

  He woke up to a blade resting on his neck, with a figure towering over him, holding the hilt.

  He raised his hands in surrender," Cool it, man, what the Nether?"

  The man didn't answer, but cursed silently under his breath. The second he was distracted, Steve gripped the man's arm and wrenched the blade away from his throat, delivering a kick below the belt at the same time. He leapt to his feet, holding his fists up in a defensive position, but at the sight of the man's face made him pause," Zack?"

  "Do you have to?" Zack groaned.

  "You were trying to freaking kill me!" Steve protested, then suddenly realized something,"Wait. Notch said he sent you all home."

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