Chapter twenty-two- sylvias story

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Authors note- note that in this chapter we will be seeing through Sylvia's perspective. I will inform you when the "flashbacks" are over. Thank you 😊

Lucy hummed slightly as she held Jellals hand. He had his head laid back, resting with his eyes closed. Natsu was hanging out of the window, barfing. Happy was holding natsu in the carriage, complaining about how heavy he was. Sylvia looked out of the window as the carriage moved onward.

"Sylvia?" Lucy asked politely. "Yes?" Sylvia said, as she turned towards Lucy. Lucy tilted her head to the side slightly. "How old did you say you were?" She asked. "Oh, well I didn't, but I'm fifteen." Sylvia said with a smile. Lucy's eyes widened in shock. "So, you were thirteen when you were taken?" Lucy asked with kind eyes. Sylvia nodded in sadness as she remembered the day she was taken.

Flashback. Two years ago.

Sylvia lived on a small island named yakushima. It was a small island surrounded by trees and woodland. Her mother woke her that morning with the sweet smell of breakfast. She could hear her mother and father speaking as she dressed. She dressed in a white tank top with jeans and tennis shoes. Her brown hair hung to her waist. Her vibrant green eyes seemed to shine in the morning sun.

She walked into the kitchen joining her parents at the table. "Good morning!" She said cheerfully. "Good morning sweetheart." Her father said, giving her a kiss on the top of her head. "Did you sleep well?" Her mother asked kindly. Sylvia nodded as she smiled. "When your done with breakfast could you please go fetch some water." Her mother asked, placing a plate before her.

"Sure thing." Sylvia said politely, as she began to eat. After she was finished she grabbed the water bucket beside the front door. She walked down the dirt path leading to the river. She admired the flow of the river as she let her bucket fill up. She could hear the sound of crunching leaves behind her. As she turned to investigate she was smacked over the head.

As she came to she was being thrown over someone's shoulders. She could hear them talking, talking about her village. "Boss said take the girls, kill the men and burn the village." A male voice said roughly. Sylvia's eyes turned wide at hearing his words. She was still to out of it for her body to work properly. All she could do was lay there on his shoulder as they walked to the village.

As they neared the village she could hear the screams of her friends. She looked around to see a couple dozen men chasing down girls around her age. "Sylvia! Sylvia?" A male voice rang out. Sylvia closed her eyes as she heard her fathers voice. She was to frightened to call out to him. To frightened of what these men would do. "Give me back my daughter." Her father cried when finding her.

Sylvia's eyes opened and she turned to look at her father. She could see her mother cowering behind him. The men laughed as they sized her father up. "Deal with them." The man holding her said. A purple flame protruded from the mans hand catching her home on fire. He used his flames to make a lasso tying it to her mother and father. He picked them up, throwing them inside the house.

Sylvia could hear their screams as she and twenty or so other girls were taken from the village. Many of the houses were aflame with purple fire. Sylvia began to cry as everything she ever knew was taken from her.

End flashback.

Sylvia could still hear the screams of her parents and neighbors. "Sylvia?" Lucy asked, placing her hand on Sylvia's shoulder. She smiled at her as she wiped a tear from her cheek. "Your safe now." She said kindly. Sylvia smiled shakily at Lucy in thankfulness. "I'll talk to Master when we get to the guild." Lucy promised.

"Here's your stop." The carriage driver said, as he stopped in front of fairy tail. Natsu fell out of the window quickly getting to his feet. "It stopped! Haha!" He said happily, as he kicked open the guild doors. Gray shook his head at natsu as he followed him through the doors. Jellal never released Lucy's hand as he walked with her and Sylvia into the guild.

"Oh, hey Lucy!" Mira said in her birdlike voice. "Who's your friend?" She asked, looking at Sylvia kindly. "This is Sylvia. I was going to ask Master If we had a position for her to work with you. She's not a mage." Lucy informed her. "Well, masters in his office." Mira chirped. "Thanks Mira." Lucy said, as she took Sylvia's hand. She led her up the stairs and to masters office.

She knocked lightly on the door waiting for a reply. "Come in." Makorov said. Lucy pulled Sylvia into the office with her. "Hey master." Lucy said happily. "Hello Lucy. Oh, and who might this be?" He asked, glancing over Sylvia. "Hi, my names Sylvia." Sylvia said shyly. "Hello dear." Makorov said.

"Sylvia was one of the prisoners we saved on our latest mission." Lucy informed the master. Lucy and Sylvia told the master her story. "So you see master, Sylvia is an orphan. I was hoping you would allow her to work here at the guild." Lucy said hopefully. The master wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. "Well, what kind of man would I be to turn away a child in need?" He said with a smile. "Welcome to fairy tail!" He said, spreading his arms wide.

A knock was heads on the door. "Master?" Mira's voice could be heard. "Ah, Mira come in. Perfect timing." He said, as Mira entered the office. "We have a new guild mate." He informed her. She smiled as she grabbed the stamper. "Where would you like your guild mark and what color?" Mira asked sweetly. Sylvia looked to Lucy, noticing her pink guild mark.

"I would like green and on my right hand please." She said. "Oh, just like Lucy huh?" Mira giggle. Sylvia blushed slightly as she was given her stamp. "Mira, would be so kind as to introduce Sylvia to the guild? I need to speak with master in private." Lucy said with a smile. Sylvia looked a little sadly at Lucy. "Don't worry, I'll be right down." Lucy assured, making Sylvia smile. "Okay!" Sylvia said. "Follow me dear." Mira chirped, as she led her out of the office.

"What can I do for you?" Master asked, as the door shut. "I need to speak with you about Erza." Lucy said, becoming serious.

Mira led Sylvia down the stairs to the center of the stage. She tapped lightly on the mic causing it to whine loudly. "Listen up everyone." Mira chirped, gaining everyone's attention. "I would like to introduce our newest guild mate, Sylvia." She said. Everyone began to cheer loudly in greeting. "Hello Sylvia." Everyone said, some waved while others smiled.

Sylvia waved to the crowd before her, before Levi, Wendy and juvia came to greet her. She stood there shyly talking to them, waiting on Lucy.

Back in masters office.

"Ah yes." Master said. "We have to appeal to the magic council to release her earlier." Lucy pleaded. "I understand Lucy, I promise we'll do everything we can to get her out." Master promised, as Lucy nodded. "Thank you Master." She said, as she stood to leave.

Lucy joined Sylvia, Levi, Wendy and juvia. They sat at a table together telling Sylvia all about the guild and guild mates.

End chapter.
Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do please vote and don't forget to comment your thoughts. I love to hear from you. And yes I read all comments and even reply to most.

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