Chapter seven-fairy tails discovery

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Happy flew through the air at top speed. He tracked Lucy's scent to the boats, but lost it slightly in the water. He couldn't believe she was really leaving, and after hearing natsu talk about her so rudely; he really missed her.

He tracked her through the ocean, finally bringing him to an island. He instantly recognized this island, it held the tower of heaven.

"Oh my god, what's Lucy doing here?" Happy said to himself. He flew around the island until he finally found Lucy. "Ohhh!" Happy said to himself, seeing Lucy with jellal. "I have to tell someone!" He said, flying back towards fairy tail.

With Lucy.

Lucy and jellal set to work on their training.

"Ok, so how many spirits can you currently summon at a time?" Jellal asked. Lucy contemplated before answering. "I currently can summon two celestial spirits at a time." She said happily, holding two fingers up in a peace sign.

"Oh, last time I saw you, you could barely summon one." He smirked. "Last time I saw you, I was a weak child." Lucy said, taking a step closer to him. "Iv grown since then." She said, flipping her hair back.

"Yeah yeah, simmer down now." He chuckled. "Let's focus on gathering your magic. Basically, we're meditating." He shrugged, sitting on the ground Indian style. Lucy sat opposite him in the same position.

"Close your eyes, let the sounds and feelings take over you. Focus on the ether-nano in the air. Let it flow into your body." Jellal recited. He peeked an eye open to see Lucy looking at him quizzically. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing." She laughed. "You just sound so philosophical."

"Well, maybe I am." He shrugged. Lucy closed her eyes and began to focus. She could feel the ether-nano around her. It began to flow into her body. She began to sweat and breathe heavily from the concentration.

With happy.

Happy flew through the guild doors at top spead, causing everyone to jump and look around.

"Happy! Are you ok?" Mira asked the breathless exceed. "I...need to...speak to master." Happy said between gasps of air. "Master is in his office." Mira chirped. Happy flew up the stairs to the masters office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." He heard before entering. "Ah, Happy what can I do for you?" Master asked. Happy began to explain what natsu said and how he flew after Lucy only to find her with jellal.

"What? Their training together?" Master asked unable to believe what he heard. "There must be some kind of mistake." Master said rubbing his mustache. "Thank you happy for informing me." He said as happy left his office.

Happy flew down the stairs sadly joining Levi and Wendy. "Hey tomcat, you look down." Carla noted. "Is it because of Lucy and jellal?" She whispered into his ear. He peeked up when he heard that. "How did you know?" He whispered back. "I have precognitive abilities remember." She said. "Oh yeah." He said, he had forgotten.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Lucy will be fine." Carla assured. "Besides, if he was going to kill her; he would have done it when he took her the first time." She smiled comfortingly at Happy.

Happy smiled at Carla's words. He knew she was smart so she had to be right. He just hoped Lucy knew what she was doing.

Back with Lucy

Lucy and jellal trained relentlessly until nightfall.

"Ok, let's quit for the day." Jellal said, sweat pouring down his face. Every time he tried to take a break Lucy would yell at him to get back to work. She was dedicated to this training for sure.

Lucy fell to the floor panting and exhausted. She had given it her all in today's training. She could feel herself becoming slowly more powerful. "We keep training like this and I'll be stronger in no time." She said weakly, before slipping into sleep.

Jellal scooped her into his arms bridal style and carried her to the tower of heaven. He had arranged a room just for her. He layed her down on top of the soft queen size bed, taking his finger he gently lifted her hair off her face; tucking it behind her ear.

He could feel himself blush slightly as he walked out of the room and shut the door. "Goodnight Lucy." He whispered with a smile.

Sorry for the short chapter guys have a lot going on right now. Hope you enjoying the story so far. Sorry it isn't action packed just yet but we'll get there

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