Bellendore reached out, allowing his own artifact weapon to materialize in his hand, and he slammed in on the ground like a staff, creating a anti-magic field to protect him. Since void elves are creatures of magic, not only did the bubble-like shield protect from spells, it also prevented the void elf from approaching, lest his skin melt from his bones.

"Perhaps," leered the warlock, "I could convince you to--"

"No!" screamed the void elf, "No, no, no! I will not let you influence me with your mind games!"

"You are sick," implored Bellendore, "Let me help you!"

The void elf snarled and lunged forward, slashing at the field with his falsely enchanted dagger, sending ripples through the energy but otherwise leaving it undamaged. He lunged again, trying to push himself through the field, and Bellendore suddenly stopped channeling the spell, so as to keep the poor sod from killing himself.

Bellendore wriggled his fingers in a complex fashion, and thick magical purple chains materialized around the elf, tightly restraining him. He rolled over and jumped up, trying to break free from the magical restraints.

"You absolute fool," growled Bellendore, "You have no true master. You are no threat. You are nothing. But... What you know may be of use."

Bellendore grabbed the chains that crossed over the chest of his assailant and cast a quick spell to teleport back to Goldshire. It took little effort since the Twilight Highlands were somewhat near to the Elwynn Forest.


Bellendore materialized smoothly with his prisoner in hand in the room which he had exited what felt like just moments before. The only difference was that it was filled with magical divination tools, likely in an attempt to track down himself. Erin had been laying on a bed, reading A Brief History of The Bronze, and she shot up suddenly when she saw him.

"Bellendore!" she exclaimed. Immediately she turned and called, "Kal! Get in here!"

Kaldrun, followed by Maldanormu (who was healed and energetic, it seemed) and Redrumei, burst into the room, "What is--"

The night elf looked at Bellendore and the void elf, and back to Bellendore. He said, frighteningly quietly, "Explain."

"This fool", snarled Bellendore, "Has possibly caused a great deal of problems for us."

The warlock quickly explained all that the void elf had said, and Redrumei planned to extract more information, through "enhanced interrogation".

Erin laughed, "You mean torture."

Red smiled grimly, "Yes."

The prisoner lurched, trying to escape, and Bellendore yanked him back mentally. He had total control over the chains and their motion, and he had a sort of mental leash on the elf.

Maldanormu, Kaldrun, and Bellendore seemed didn't seem distinctly warm to the idea of torturing an enemy, "There are other, more efficient ways to get information, especially with those of weak will. Or at least, will weaker than yours or mine," said Maldanormu.

"Aww," mock-whined Erin, sticking out her bottom lip, "But torture is more fun."

"This isn't a game!" snarled the dragon mage, "Bellendore was missing for four days and not even Redrumei's divination instruments could locate him. There is a threat to our plans, and to your whole planet here. Torture is unnecessary in this situation. We do not work with such primitive and uselessly sadistic methods here."

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