Chapter 7

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AN: Okay. So, obviously I gotta stop making promises regarding how long chapters will take to come out. So no promises here. Anyway, I know I've used this image before, the Black Empire. But, since the Black Empire is becoming more relevant again, I thought I'd bring it back up. This is just about what Seattle and the rest of the conquered areas would look like now.

Almawt Temple, Seattle, Washington

November 1st, 2017

12:30 PM

All was quiet. The crumbled city from just a few days prior had already been completely torn down and replaced by temples, barracks, prisons, torture chambers, Pylons, and everything else required for the Old One's war machine to function. The hundreds of thousands of fear-driven slaves helped raise the empire with grim efficiency.

Yogg'Saron had not yet found a vessel, and so his essence was contained in a Pylon. Pylons are huge crystals that suspend themselves in midair and provide a near-infinite supply of power to whatever they are connected to. They range in size, from human-sized to skyscraper-sized, depending on what is needed. This particular Pylon, glowing red and constantly thrumming with malevolent energy, housed Yogg'Saron's consciousness.. Now, of course, Yogg'Saron resided deep underground on Azeroth, in his prison, but his mind was anchored to this universe using the Pylon.

The new headquarters of the Black Empire was a massive temple, still under construction, by the name of the Almawt Temple. It was shaped like a ziggurat, and was taller than the Space Needle that it replaced. The stairs in the front reached into the clouds, and it spread out over nearly two kilometers, and that doesn't begin to speak of the massive, sprawling caverns beneath that connect the temple to other points of interest in the Empire. At the very top was a large temple, containing Yogg'Saron's Pylon, which hovered ominously in the dark room, chained to the walls. There were torches all throughout the temple, with this room being the one exception. The only light here was produced by the angry glow of the Pylon.

At this moment in time, the room was empty, save for the Pylon, of course, and the two elite guards that stood beside it at all times.

As Yogg'Saron mulled over his plans in his mind, the silence was interrupted by the shing of weapons being pulled from their scabbards.

The Faceless One to the left of the Pylon spoke in a guttural English, "Who goes there?"

Footsteps echoed through the chamber as a middle-aged, African-American human man dressed in a tattered suit was escorted through in shackles.

The two guards at his side knocked him to his knees, and one of the elite soldiers stepped forward, "What is your business here?"

Yogg'Saron pulled the guard back mentally, assuaging him. Then he spoke, a thunderous rumble filled with rage and power that caused the sharp-dressed man to tremble slightly, "I have requested an audience with you, and you have come. Now our plans can be set into motion."

The black man stuttered, and tried standing, but the guards placed their blades over his neck, keeping him on the ground. He spoke with a forced British accent, trying to sound sophisticated, "What is the meaning of this? I was told I would be brought to your leader! Who are these costumed beasts?"

Yogg'Saron sighed inwardly, "These 'costumed beasts' are my army, and I am the leader. I am Yogg'Saron! I am the end of your world, petty mortal! Show some respect."

The man, whose name was Benjamin, huffed, but said nothing.

Yogg'Saron continued, "Thus far, you have shown little promise in this meeting. I have already considered disposing of you and obliterating this kingdom. I hardly believe I could entertain the likes of dunces such as you. I hope your king is a bit more... intellectual."

The Multiverse War, Part OneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ