Chapter Twenty Two

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(Last chapter! Wow! That's so crazy to think that I've been working on this story for so long, and now I'm finishing! Thank you so much for all of the support you have given me on both this story and Bun in the Oven! There will be a third and final book to this Hinny series, called Lunar Eclipse that I plan on publishing at the same time that this chapter is published, so go check it out! Then I'll be working on some Romione fanfics, so make sure to check those out as well! Thank you so much for reading, it means so much! Please enjoy this last chapter and the new story! Thank you all!)

"It's beautiful out, let's go do something," Harry said, gazing out the window, James clutched close to his chest.

"We have a three month old baby, what exactly do you suggest we do that doesn't deprive others of their sanity?"

"We could go on a walk- we got that new baby buggy, and I'm dying to test it out," Harry suggested, and Ginny shook her head at his excitement to try a new baby item. "And there's that park just down the street, we could go and sit. Maybe pack a picnic?"

Ginny pondered the idea for a moment, then smiled. "That sounds very nice, why not?"

"Awesome. I'll go start packing the picnic basket," Harry exclaimed excitedly, like a little kid. He gently passed her James, and rushed into the kitchen to begin throwing lunch together.

"Daddy's getting a little sick of being inside," Ginny whispered to her cooing son. James gurgled back and Ginny laughed. "That was my thought too. Let's go get you dressed in something a bit warmer before we go. We don't want you catching a cold."

About fifteen minutes, a nappy change and the tedious process of changing James into a warmer outfit, later, Ginny met Harry in the foyer. She laughed as he began to fight with the new baby buggy, trying to pull it apart and set it up. It reminded her of a dog in an American cartoon she had seen a few years ago, when he was fighting with a lawn chair. After watching Harry struggle for another few minutes, Ginny simply pulled out her wand and waved it at the buggy, and it unfolded, perfectly ready to be utilized.

"I... definitely didn't think of that," Harry admitted, rolling his eyes.

"I know, I could tell," Ginny laughed, setting James in the buggy.

"Wait, I got him something," Harry exclaimed. "Give me one minute, I'm going to go grab it."

He rushed up the stairs and appeared a few moments later with a small box, tied shut with a ribbon. He handed it to Ginny, and waited eagerly for her to open it.

Ginny looked at him curiously, one eyebrow raised, then began to carefully untie the ribbon, setting it on the table just inside the doorway that held picture frames of all family members, and some friends, such as Neville and Hannah, and even a Christmas card from Draco and his wife, Astoria.

She opened the box to reveal...

"Oh wow, tissue paper, thank you."

"Pull it out," Harry rolled his eyes. Ginny laughed- he looked as if he was about to pee his pants with excitement.

Ginny slowly pulled out the thin white sheets of paper, watching as her husband squirmed with anticipation.

"Oh for Merlin's sake," Harry grabbed James from the buggy and then gently took the box from Ginny's hands.


"I'll be back in a moment," Harry called, heading up the stairs.

Ginny watched as Harry ascended the stairs, then turned into James' nursery, closing the door behind him. She chuckled, then opened the picnic basket to see what Harry had packed. There were multiple containers of fruit, some left over lasagna (they would heat using discreet magic), some bottles of milk for James, a few cool bottles of sparkling cider, along with some plastic flutes to drink it out of, and lastly a few slices of cheesecake for dessert.

She was practically salivating in anticipation when Harry came back down, carrying a giggling James.

"Tada!" He cried, shoving James towards Ginny, a broad, excited grin on his face.

Ginny gasped when she saw her son.

"It's the first onesie I've bought him, on my first successful trip to the baby store on my own," Harry gloated.

"He's adorable! Oh my goodness, I love it."

James was wearing a thick brown onesie, a lighter tan color on his belly. The hood of the onesie had small fabric antlers that stuck up a bit, and the feet were black, creating the illusion of hooves.

"Good. I'm ready to go now," Harry stated.

"Merlin Harry, you're even worse than Teddy."

"You take it back," Harry's face turned deadpan.

"Never," Ginny giggled, placing James in the buggy, closing the top down over him.

"Take it back," Harry grabbed her from behind and squeezed her, blocking her arms from her wand. He began to tickle her and she wormed.

"Okay, okay," she burst, "you're slightly better than Teddy."

Harry stopped and stepped back, tilting his head in contemplation.

"I'll take that," he said, shrugging.

"Now, let's go before you piss yourself out of excitement," Ginny giggled.

The walk to the park was gorgeous. The breeze was cool, but the warm sun beamed down on them, warming them up to the perfect temperature. The crisp spring air smelled amazing, like fresh flowers and new earth from everyone doing their gardening. The streets and sidewalks were damp from the morning dew, and Ginny and Harry strolled slowly down the block, taking everything in.

When they reached the park, Harry scouted out a spot on the crest of a hill, giving them the perfect view of the playground and a nice overview of the winding neighborhood and blooming treetops. He took a checkered blanket out of the basket, spreading it across the prickly grass.

Ginny opened the buggy and pulled James out, once again admiring his perfect onesie. She laid him gently on the blanket on his back, letting him enjoy watching the clouds and birds flying above.

When she was done locking the brakes on the buggy, she then laid down next to James, and he rolled a bit, nestling himself into her side. Harry laid down on James' other side, curling closer to Ginny.

The two looked at each other, then at their beautiful baby boy.

"How did I get so lucky? I have a beautiful son, and a gorgeous, perfect wife."

He brushed his thumb across Ginny's freckled forehead, and she smiled softly.

"I'm the lucky one. I've got my two handsome, perfect boys. What more could a woman ask for?" She looked down at James, grabbing his little hand.

"I love you little James," she said.

"I love you too," Harry repeated, grabbing his son's other hand. James gripped both of their index fingers, making his parents smile. Harry looked back up at Ginny.

"And I love you Ginevra Weasley."

"That's Ginevra Potter to you."

"Fine. I love you Ginevra Potter."

"I love you too Harry."

(And that's a wrap! AHHH! It's been such a long journey, I can't believe I'm done! Make sure to check out my new story about Lily Luna- among other things- called Lunar Eclipse! And again, thank you so much for all of your love and support on this story and Bun in the Oven- it means a lot! Keep reading! :) -cam )

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