Chapter Seven

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"Percy... I'm bleeding..."

"Shit," Percy muttered.

"What do I do?" Ginny cried, bursting into tears. She hadn't realized how close she had gotten to this baby- it had only been two short months, but she was already so attached.

"We need to get to St. Mungo's, quickly," Percy said, reaching for Ginny. He wrapped his arm around her to support her as she cried. He guided her to the fireplace, and threw a handful of Floo Powder into the flames.

"St. Mungo's maternity ward!" He barked, and they walked into the flames as they turned green.

Stepping out of the fireplace, Percy guided Ginny to a chair in the waiting area before rushing to the front desk and explaining the situation to the witch behind the desk. She nodded and called to a Healer behind her, who gave Percy a curt nod before heading out to Ginny, pushing a wheelchair.

"Perce, get Harry," Ginny called as the Healer pushed her through a set of double doors back into some exam rooms.

Percy turned around and headed back to the fireplace.

"Head Auror's Office, Ministry of Magic!" He threw the fistful of powder into the flames, hardly waiting for the color to change before racing through the fire.

"Harry!" Burst Percy, frightening Harry who had been scratching furiously on a piece of parchment with his feather quill.

"Percy, what is it?" Harry stood up. He knew if Percy was this frazzled, there was no way something wasn't wrong. Percy wasn't the 'burst into the office just to say hi' type.

"Ginny. I just took her to St. Mungo's. She was bleeding and in pain and..." his voice cracked. He and Ginny had never been the closest, but she was still his baby sister, and he'd take any curse for her. He never wanted to see anything happen to her.

"Shit," Harry whispered, before taking off through the flames and back to St. Mungo's, Percy hot in pursuit.

"Hello, I'm Harry Potter, my wife Ginny came in here a few minutes ago. Where is she?" He asked the witch behind the front desk.

"Wow. You're really Harry Potter?" The witch's eyes grew wide.

"Yes, that's me. Please, where is my wife?"

"She should just be down the corridor, exam room 13. Hope all is well for you," she gave him a flirty smile and twirled her hair around her finger.

"Thanks," he turned to Percy and opened his mouth to speak, but Percy just raised his hand and nodded.

"I'll tell Mum and the word will get around through the family. Let us know when you learn anything, okay?"

"I will. And Percy?"

"Yes Harry?"

"Thank you for being there and helping her."

"I'm her big brother, it's what we do. Now go see her, she's probably scared out of her mind," he gave Harry a thin, tight lipped smile.

Harry gave him a nod and took off through the corridor until he reached exam room 13.

"Ginny," Harry gasped, seeing her curled up on the exam bed.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there. Are you okay? Have they said anything?"

"I'm fine. The Healer should be back any time now, and it's not your fault you were at work," she reassured him, giving him a grim smile.

The door opened and a Healer stepped into the room. Ginny propped herself up on the bed, and Harry sat behind her, holding her close to his chest, fearing the worst.

"Don't worry, it's good news. You did not have a miscarriage, Ginny. The baby is still healthy, and so are you. Spotting and cramping is somewhat common, but we still want to monitor this closely to make sure it doesn't turn into something else. I am a bit concerned about how bad your cramps were, but everyone is different. I want you to be on bedrest for a week, alright? That means no getting up to do anything other than go to the bathroom, alright? We'll have a few more checkups between now and your previously scheduled appointments. Sound okay?"

Ginny and Harry both breathed a large sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much," Ginny said, nodding.

"I promise, I'll make sure she'll be the perfect patient and stay in bed all week," Harry promised. "I'm taking the week off from work so I can stay home with her."

"You're free to go home whenever, but remember, straight to bed, and relax. Reduce all stress. I'll see you in a week," the Healer smiled at them, and Ginny gave her a thanks and a small wave.

As soon as the door shut behind the Healer, Ginny turned to Harry and hugged his chest.

"I never want to feel like that again," she told him. "I thought I had lost my child. I love him or her so much already."

"Me too, Gin. Me too. I'm so glad you're both okay. Now, lets get you home and into bed."

As if on cue, a mediwitch came in with a wheelchair to bring Ginny back to the lobby to the fireplaces.

"Potter house," Harry said, before picking Ginny up bridal style and carrying her through the flames and up the stairs to their bedroom.

After making sure she was comfortable in bed, Harry gave her a long kiss.

"I'm going to go call everyone and tell them everything is okay. They've all been really worried. You just take a nap and I'll make dinner and bring it up when it's done, alright? I love you," he said, patting her leg.

"Love you too," she said, rolling on to her side, exhausted. From all of today's worrying, she was tired and was ready to sleep, so it was no surprise when she felt her eyelids drooping more and more until she was asleep.

Meanwhile, Harry was downstairs calling Molly.

"She's fine," he said. "The Healer said it's normal, but she put Ginny on bedrest for the next week.... I'm taking off of work.... I'm sure she would love it if everyone took shifts during the day to hang out with her, but you all don't have to do that.... No, I'm sure she would.... Alright, I'll tell her. Goodnight," Harry hung up the phone, and placed it on the couch.

Everyone was at the Burrow, waiting for news on Ginny, so Molly was just going to pass on the news. She had suggested everyone take turns spending time with Ginny over the next week, but Harry told her he'd have to ask Ginny because she would probably want some alone time or time to rest or else she'd go absolutely crazy. She was going to bring over a casserole for them in about an hour, so Harry didn't have to worry about cooking tonight.

Quietly as not to disturb her, Harry crawled into bed next to his wife, flipping on the television. Ginny, still half asleep, mumbled something that Harry couldn't understand, and curled up next to Harry, nuzzling her face into his sweatshirt he'd changed into, and falling quickly asleep again.

"I love you Ginny. I'm so glad you're both okay. I love you both so much. You both make me so happy, and I know you'll be such a good mother, Ginny."

He planted a kiss on top of her head, before resting his head on top of hers and falling asleep as well.

(A/N: So, fun fact, while I was writing this, I was listening/ blubbering like a baby, to Small Bump by Ed Sheeran, before deciding that Harry and Ginny DID NOT have a miscarriage, because they've been through a lot already. Thanks for reading and hope you're enjoying!)

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