Chapter Eight

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Bedrest was killing Ginny.

The first day was fine, all of her family in and out of her room, visiting her and bringing delicious foods.

But after a few days, Ginny was sick and tired of the constant stream of people coming in and out, in and out, in and out of the room. All she wanted was sleep, but she was getting none as her family members took "shifts" sitting bedside.

Hermione, however, was her only saving grace- Hermione said she would come in during her lunch hour, but would just skip, leaving Ginny to have an hour of sweet, sweet silence and sleep.

Surprisingly, out of all of her brothers, Percy seemed to be there the most, next to George and Ron (closely followed up by Charlie-- Bill popped in whenever he could since he and Fleur were so busy at home with Dominique and Victoire).

"Hey Gin," George said, popping his head inside the room. Ginny groaned and threw herself back against the pillows, reaching for one and smothering her face with it.

George gave her a lopsided, goofy grin, stepping inside the room fully, half expecting to be hexed.

He cautiously took a seat at the end of the bed, and began rubbing Ginny's feet, without saying anything.

"You know, I'd yell at you to get out if that didn't feel so good," she mumbled from under the pillow. George chuckled.

"Feeling smothered, are we?"

Ginny lowered the pillow and looked George in the face. He frowned as he noticed the stress lines on her forehead and the bags under her eyes. How had no one else noticed?

"Everyone is constantly in here. Even at night, when Harry is asleep on the couch downstairs, someone is up here, sitting in that chair. Do you know how unnerving that is? Trying to sleep while someone stares at you?"

"Gin, I get it, but you need to relax. If you don't, something bad could happen to you and the baby. You would never forgive yourself. I'll call a family meeting and I'll explain that I think you're feeling a bit smothered and we should back off a bit."

"Oh George, that would be amazing, would you?" Ginny exclaimed, throwing her arms around her big brother.

"Sure thing runt."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Oi! Everyone!" George yelled.

The loud chatter in the room grew quieter, and eventually silent,

George clasped his hands in front of him. Twenty four eyes watched him intently, waiting to hear whatever he needed to say.

"Listen up, we need to talk about Ginny," he began. "I think lately, she's been feeling a bit smothered."

"A bit?" A voice peeped from the bottom of the stairs. Everyone turned around.

"Ginevra Weasley! What're you doing out of bed?" Harry said, rushing over to her and guiding her to the couch. Ginny rolled her eyes and plopped down.

"Guys, I'm fine, but you've got to give me time ALONE," she said, brushing a strand of hair that had escaped her French braid (courtesy of Fleur), out of her face.

"Ginny, we're just trying to help you, but you have to let us," Harry told her.

"I know you're trying, but it's not actually helping," she told them.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"You're smothering me. Every second of every day, someone is sitting there, watching me. It was okay at first, but you don't understand how awful that is to have someone sitting there at all times. I can't even sleep!"

"What I think Ginny is trying to say is, we should all stop taking "shifts". Someone can come check in on her at lunch time, and then when Harry gets here in the evening, we can come see her if we want, but not because we have to. This stress isn't good for Ginny, and especially not for the baby," George concluded.

The room was silent.

"Well, I suppose you do have a point. She has seemed a bit on edge and irritable lately," Arthur said, and Ginny shot him a look. "Sorry dear."

"So have we come to an agreement?" Twelve heads shook their heads yes.

"Now, Ginny, you need to get back upstairs and into bed," George gave her a stern older brother look, and she bowed her head, her cheeks blushing a bright red with embarrassment.

Harry helped her to her feet and scooped her up to carry her up the stairs. Everyone stood up and began to Floo home, but Molly and George stayed back.

"That's very sweet that you stood up for your sister like that. I can't believe we were all so blind to how smothered she felt," Molly shook her head.

"Mum, you were just worried about her, that's all. Sometimes when you worry about someone so much, it's hard to see what the best thing for them is.

"Well, I'm glad you can."

"Me too, Mum. Me too."

(A/N: I'm so sorry this was so short and crappy but I have horrible writers block on this story and I've written myself into a corner, so I'm going to go ahead and have next chapter jump to where Ginny is about four months pregnant! Again sorry, and I promise it will get better!)

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