The beginning

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Year 2006

"Hey Jungkook, what are you looking at?". A boy aged 11 hopped onto Jungkook's bed and sat beside the latter. The 11 years old boy followed the gaze of Jungkook which lead to a big, round, white porcelain look alike full moon.

"Jiminie hyung, have you ever wondered whether does anyone live on the moon like how Mdm Zhang, the teacher at the childcare centre told us the story of Chang e' and the rabbit? What if the folklore still continues even today?". Jungkook asked quietly Jimin, still looking at the moon.

Despite knowing that the folklore practically doesn't apply into their life as said by the adults in this society, Jimin doesn't want to burst Jungkook's little bubble of imagination. Instead, he decided to play along with the 9 years old boy imagination.

"Yeah like someone giving you the elixir pill that the goddess of the Moon ate and force you to eat it and you forever live on Moon. Who will rescue you?" Jimin teased, earning a pout from Jungkook.


The next day after the conversation between Jimin and Jungkook, they were back in school in different classes. Recess came in quickly and the two friends met at their favourite usual spot, an apple tree that's behind the school. Laying down on the grass, both Jimin and Jungkook were eating their food while talking about the latest Animal Kaiser strongest animals when suddenly a shadow loomed over the two boys' body.

"Aigoo, you two boys are so cute, so skinny. Come, I give you chocolate." A female stranger, probably in the her mid-60s spoke, in hand was a chocolate ball wrapped in blue food wrapping paper.

"Thank you for the chocolate Auntie!" Jungkook bounced up to the auntie, taking the chocolate from the auntie before bowing out of respect. Once the auntie walked away, Jimin, immediately snatched the chocolate away from Jungkook's hands before reprimanding him.

"Did you not learn from your parents about not taking food from random strangers? What if this chocolate is poisoned?".

"Sorry Jimin hyung". Jungkook apologised before abandoning the chocolate on the grass. Watching Jimin walk away and towards the classroom block, Jungkook quickly picked up the chocolate and pocketed into his shorts.
Honestly speaking, which kid won't miss the chance of getting food, especially titbits from people?

Realizing that the older boy was out of his sight, he quickly ran back into the main school compound, screaming at the older boy to slow down.

Soon school has ended, and night has fallen. Jungkook was now lying on his bed, looking out of his window again, admiring the night sky. Just then, his stomach growled. Remembering that he got the chocolate from the stranger, he tiptoed to his shorts and dug out for the chocolate.

Unwrapping the wrapper, he quickly popped the ball into his mouth. Savouring the chocolate, he threw away the wrapper when suddenly he felt a little light headed and tripped over himself, waking up Jimin.

"Aish, Kookie ah, why are- OH MY GOSH WHY ARE YOU GLOWING????????" Jimin yelled frantically. Jungkook then examined himself. A layer of white shimmer was enveloping his skin which for a human it is not natural.

Panic soon took over the younger body and he started crying. Jimin being the nice older friend, hugged Jungkook to comfort him when he noticed something else was wrong, why is Jungkook floating?

"H-h-hyung h-help me" Jungkook said, slowly levitated into the air before a gust of wind came and blew Jungkook away from the shared room and towards the moon.

"JUNGKOOK NOOOO WAAAAAAA" Jimin cried aloud, causing his and Jungkook's parents to bust through the room. While Jimin parents comforted their son, Jungkook parents were looking for their son to realise that he was not in the room. Asking Jimin where did Jungkook went, Jimin couldn't form any proper sentence except repeating the word moon. Of course, adults will not believe a child's words and went to file a police report.

Days turn into weeks and Jimin refused to do anything except to cry over Jungkook, hoping that this was just a dream, praying that whatever lives on the moon will return his best friend, but nothing happened except for a piece of paper that laid beside Jimin out of nowhere.

'The memory of Earth will be forgotten unless one triggers it'

"This is bullshit, Jungkook will comeback..." Jimin whispered sadly, stuffing the paper into a random corner of his room. Laying back down, he looked up at the ceiling when a memory of a day before Jungkook disappearance surfaced.

"Yeah like someone giving you the elixir pill that the goddess of the Moon ate and force you to eat it and you forever live on Moon. Who will rescue you?" Jimin teased, earning a pout from Jungkook.


'No way... that didn't happen right?' Jimin thought. This memory has brought him to a conclusion. To not give up on life and work his way out to save Jungkook.

"Jungkook, don't worry. I will become an astronaut one day, travel to the moon and rescue you."


Hey so basically how did this come about is in idol mv this scene:

Hey so basically how did this come about is in idol mv this scene:

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Pic does not belong to me I lazy to screenshot

So, I thought why not just write something to relax my poor brain cells? Not the best story I have wrote so far but I'm just wanna write something.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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