Can't You See?

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Can't you see?

She's fighting a battle,

not the kind you see when she fights Mallus,

or Savage,

or Darhk,

the kind in her head.

Can't you see?

It's her own demons she's fighting,

they haunt her,

with the things she's done.

Can't you see?

She has a dark past,

and she's done things she regrets.

Can't you see?

How she suffers everyday,

and how she feels this is all her fault.

Can't you see how she blames herself?


can't you see her family,

her friends,

those who surround her?

Can't you see how much they love her,

how they make her laugh,

how they make her smile?

Can't you see how they're there for her?

Can't you see how they try to convince her,

that she is not alone,

that nothing is her fault?

Don't you see how she believes them?

Because she does.

A/N Can i just say that THIS BOOK IS AT #11 IN THE dclegendsoftomorrow TAG AND IM SCREAMING!! THANKS FOR GETTING ME THERE GUYS!!!

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