Sparks in the Bed

Depuis le début

We kissed. I felt that spark again. The spark we had before I met Jenna.

-phone rings-

"Im sorry Hannah one minute."

Before I got up I licked her starting from her pants line up to her lips then french kissed her real quick.

"Monica are you stopping by?" Jenna answered.


"Oh of course Im just getting ready I'll be there in twenty minutes." I answered freaking out.

"Don't forget your textbook." Jenna said laughing.

"Okay." I said then quickly hung up..

I walked back inside to see Hannah getting her dress back on.

"Im sorry but I have to go my mom said she's picking me up any minute." Hannah said brushing her hair.

"Oh." I said.

"Bye. Oh and one more thing." Hannah said turning around dropping her bag.

Hannah picked me up by the waist and kissed me.

I wrapped my legs around her waist. I messed with her hair as we kissed. She let me down and picked her bag up.

"Wait." I pleaded

"What?" Hannah asked.

"Can we try this again?" I said looking down.

" Of course." Hannah said standing in the doorway.

I walked towards her and whispered in her ear.

"I want all the way." I said biting my lip.

"Babe. I'll be here tonight at eleven okay." Hannah said smiling.

"Your the best." I said as she left.

Damn. She's hot.

I quickly got my math supplies and threw it in a pink bag I got from Victoria secret.

I changed my cheetah print bra to a hot pink bra with black lace.

What? You never know.

I cant wait to see Jenna and how hot she looks out of school.

When I pulled up to her house it wasn't what I expected. Which is a good thing.

I expected a small brick house and a small yard. I based that off because shes a teacher.

Her house was white and big. Well I suppose its her boyfriend's house.

I got out of my car.

Jenna was already walking towards me.

She was wearing skinny jeans that wrapped around her waist perfectly and hugged her ass just right. Her shirt was beautiful. It was peach and showed her breasts.

Okay so the shirt was hideous but her tits made it work. I wish I could kiss them.

No. No. No. Im with Hannah.

"Sorry I forgot." Jenna said.

I looked up puzzled.

"Your lesbian." She said.

"Bisexual. It's okay. I have a girlfriend." I answered smiling trying hard not to kiss her again.

"But earlier?" Jenna asked confused walking inside.

"Sorry its just... um... well... your breast and your ass. I couldn't control myself." I answered feeling my face turn bright red.

"Its okay don't be nervous or embarrassed it was an accident." She said placing her hand on my shoulder.

I followed her into a room. I was watching the way her hips sway just right. I'd be honored to grind with her.

The room was bright and had two desk one small and a big desk. I say in the small one.

Jenna closed the door. She then sat on her desk with her legs crossed.

"Um." I stuttered.

"Yes?" Jenna smirked.

"Are we going to study?" I asked trying not to stare at her.

"Oh come on. You know you didn't want to study." Jenna said turning around grabbing a beer sitting in her desk.

I knew she seemed different. She was drunk.

"May I go to the bathroom real quick?" I asked needing an escape.

"Hurry back." She teased.

I left then headed to find someone. I speed walked down the hallways.

"Woah who are you?" A tall brown haired man asked.

"Are you Jenna's boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yes." he paused. "oh you must be a student."

"Ye but shes drunk and trying to... um... flirt with me.." I stuttered to say.

"Oh shit. I'll get her. Go ahead home." he said walking towards the room she was in.

I left immediately.

As soon as I got home I went to bed.

Im in love with my teacherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant