"With the fact that Natsu was in the Fairy Tail guild before reclaiming his memories, the fairies will most likely try to wage war against us and try to turn Natsu against us as well." Natsu huffed while the Spriggans and other demons nodded. "They will most likely get help from other light guilds and start a battle soon. We will discuss our plans of battle and what positions we will all have." Natsu sighed. "I bet you already have a plan for who's doing what, don't you?"
Zeref nodded and chuckled, "indeed I do brother." The spriggans were shocked to say the least at their leader, their emperor who rarely smiles at all, to chuckle and laugh along with his brother like it's a casual thing. Many were happy though, to see their emperor so joyful.

Zeref smiles, "Me and you will be commanding the army Natsu." Natsu smiled at that, "that'll be sure to be fun." A few Spriggan's disagreed however. Ajeel stood up, slamming the table. "You can't be serious emperor! We don't even know his own strengths! As well as the fact he's from Fairy Tail, a guild who is our mortal enemy! Who knows if he'll betray us or not!" A few other Spriggans, god Serena, Larcade and Neinhart, all agreed with him.

Zeref was angry at this, his own trusted army was believing that his own brother, their emperors brother, would go back to the guild that betrayed him in the worst way possible. This enraged him. He felt the dark magic start to pulse. A black aura surrounded Zeref which made Ajeel stand down and the Spriggans gulp out of fear. The fact of the Spriggans not believing in their master also made the tartaros demons angry, though they decided not the intervene, knowing they were no chance against most people in this room. With some holding back of jackal they managed to stay quiet.

Natsu was unsettled. Even the mere though of going back to that backstabbing guild sent shivers of disgust down his spine. "I would never go back to that wretched guild. They betrayed me, threw me to the side coldly, even the people that I considered as family, abandoned me after they found out I was E.N.D. And then, right after they figured out that I could possibly be dangerous and threatening, they try to apologise and bring me back. They're stupid. All of them. Just ignorant, assholes of people. I hate them all." Once Natsu has finished, he was practically oozing with a blood red aura. Zeref had calmed down and now the person for the Spriggans to fear was Natsu.

Natsu's eyes had darkened to a crimson, glowing in hatred. His aura was a dark red and his etherious marks were ever so slowly growing around his body.

Zeref realised he needed to calm Natsu down. He patted Natsu on the back and the pulled him into a brotherly hug. "You aren't going back to those fairies. We won't let them touch you, brother." At this point, Natsu had ultimately calmed himself, he took deep breaths and thought about old memories, good memories to help calm his power and breathing. Eventually he was calm enough to continue going through the meeting.

The Spriggans didn't question Natsu's authority after that point. They all realised why he was the feared demon he was. When that ooz of power poured out of Natsu, for a second, all of them felt a pang of fear. The magic power that the aura let off was phenomenal, it was definitely on par with their emperor, maybe even stronger. But it wasn't just like normal magic power, it was mixed with curse magic, which emphasised the mix of horror in it dramatically.

Zeref sighed. "Now that that's over with, shall we continue?" The rest of the people in the room nodded after a few moments of hesitation. Zeref nodded in response, "alright, for battle plans, all that I will say so far is that Natsu and I will lead the armies of Alvarez, all of you Spriggans will be generals serving under me and Natsu and the guild of tartaros will serve under Natsu only. We will discuss further action plans on a later date." The room full of people nodded. "Well then, this meeting is dismissed." Zeref concluded. The Spriggans all got up and left at different times, except Invel, he stayed to await instructions from Zeref. "Invel, you can take the tartaros demons to their rooms to let them sleep, it is getting quite late. I would like to speak to my brother." Invel nodded and lead Jackal, Mard and Kyoka away. After they had left, Zeref turned to Natsu. "Are you okay Natsu, you seemed really agitated during that. Not to mention the anger tantrum you had."
"Anger tantrum?" Natsu replied.
"It's the best way to describe it."
"Well if that's the case then we both had one."
"How so?"
"Don't think I didn't see that moment of anger you felt when they doubted me."
Zeref chuckled at that. He can't hide anything from his brother can he?
"You better head to bed brother." Zeref stated.
"You too Zeref."
Zeref nodded, "I'll come get you in the morning." Natsu nodded in agreement. And with that, they went their separate ways to their rooms.

1699 words

I am so incredibly sorry, I haven't updated in around 3 months!!! I feel terrible! I have no excuse I'm really sorry!

I hope you liked the chapter non the less, it took me a while since my cat was walking all over my laptop while I was trying to write, as well as my kittens were bugging her. Again, I'm really sorry! 

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