(Pewdiecry fan fic) Lies

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I woke up not knowing what time it was my head hurts and I haven't been eating lately. When I got up from my bed and walked over to the mirror seeing my face covered in blood. Shame on me, I washed the blood off from my face. I got some blood off from my hair but it was still visible great. When I walked down to the kitchen to pack up my stuff for another killing spree then I noticed my mask covered in blood with a horrifying smile, blood drip down from it's mouth. I walked over to it not touching the bleeding mask.

“You know you want to kill Cry,” a voice said behind me.

I made a tsk sound, “Well good morning Virus,”

He made a grin that sometimes scared me but this time I seem not too noticed. When I turned around leaning on the table he stood there carrying a gun twirling it around his index finger with his mask on and head titled. “Oh Cry! Are we a great team of killers!” he laughed.

I sighed then looked at my mask it changed into a poker face I guess I got calmed. I picked up the mask between my fingers playing with it. “Hey Virus, I will be back,” I said as tied the string behind me leaving the house. Of course Virus melted into a shadow followed me without a word being a black follower.

Later that day I sat at a bench out in the park nobody was around so Virus was there sitting on the floor legs cross while I looked the other way while he talked. After a while I noticed a dirty blonde guy with a head set around around his neck. He stared right at me then pulled his head to his ears. He spoke something into it and then walked towards me. Virus melted into a shadow while I stayed cool having my legs crossed and arms spread.

“Alright, what time?” He said into his mic while he walked passed me. He didn't care about me but I did noticed he was looking at him, when I looked at him again he was gone but he was here like a few seconds ago. Virus slowly came out of the shadow putting bullets in his silver gun. I didn't care he seemed harmless and the worst part was I was only like 17 and I kill people. I still go to school, yes where everyone fears me.

8:00 and I sat near the end looking out of the window. The teacher got everyone attention when that kid I saw with the headphones walked he had ocean eyes he smiled with a tilt of his head.

“Hello name is ….... Pewdiepie,” he said with a smile. There was whispers then he caught me looking at him. He didn't seemed to be afraid of me I will make sure that changes. He walked to the seat next to me fixing his mic but the weird thing is there was no wire connecting it was just a headphone set around his neck. He stood stiff looking at the front scanning room more like studying the room.

“They found us,” Virus said in my head.

They? I shook my head, “I don't know what your talking about,”

I heard a chuckled, “Well I don't know his real name but his name is Pewdiepie for sure and you see that headphone set around his neck? Well there is a wire connected to his nape,”

I shook my head but when I looked closer to his nape there was a wire connected then he shot a dead stare at me I could see his eyes scanning my whole body. I didn't like this guy I am kind a afraid of him but why? I ducked my head but he just smiled and faced the board. He seemed harmless. When the bell rang for next period he was the first one to get out and left. Like he knew it was going to ring but when I got to my next class he was already there reading like he been there for hours. The walk was about 5 minutes how did he get here so quickly? I sat next to me was reading the text book of history, who would want to read about that? Many questions ran through my head but he looks up at me with a smile.

“Cry correct?” he asked.

I nodded my head, “How did you know,”

He shot me smile, “Someone told me,”

I need more answers before I eliminated this kid, “And who is that?”

He looked up from his gaze from me I got little upset, “What is his name? Ah! Mark!”

I didn't know anyone name by Ken, “Who is this Mark?”

He started to laugh, “You sure do ask allot of question,”

I gave him a deadly stare but it didn't faze him, “I am the one who ask questions around here,”

He shook his head but before I tossed a punch but then he quickly turned towards me swinging me to the ground while he stood over me while I had my back against the floor. What the hell is he, I looked at him his eyes serious and scary.

“How did you?” I tired to ask, but the bell ring he helped me out sitting back down reading. He answered every question correctly like he knew everything. I was really curious about this person. 

(Pewdiecry fan fic) LiesWhere stories live. Discover now