Near to the end

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Pewdiepie pov

I woke up with a pain in my inside but I wasn't home. It was weird for me knowing that I would get up and wave. A pounding in my head more like a thrashing. This was new i never had a pounding in my head but it always like a whispers or orders never a pounding. I felt my pain in my ribs ot bones it was new is this the virus doing making? I didn't understand how I can become so weak. When I open my eyes I was in a old factory just a few boxes here and there. I looked around seeing a man almost like cry but with an evil mask on. He had his arm folded and stared right at me of anger.

     "Hello Pewdiepie." Virus said.

     "Hello?" I asked while he jumped off looking at me with an evil grin. When got up to me he held onto my neck and chozkes me. This is a new feeling I never suspected me have any harm or eblven emotions. I looked around see everything that is dgoing on and it was fading.

      "Your finally feeling human? I winder if you can feel my anger in your damn head. I wonder!" He yelled in to my ear then he tossed me into a box and locked me up. I can't breath banging into the box but I could hear metals clashing together. I winder if this can be any different about life itself. I can't do anything really so laid there in the darkness getting use to the lack of air that I am given.

       What seemed forever the box finally opened seeing a calmer Virus he sighed and pulled me IP and looked away. I wonder what makes him like that I could breath finally but it won't be long that I am place I to another box. I looked around seeing we were in a house it was mine. I could see cry and me having a red glow in my jacket. They are calling me so why I can't feel the vibrations. I looked at Virus but he just sat because we are now stuck together maybe forever. Only if there is a way like a cure but its mostly not going to happen well because the only cure is to kill me. Cry looked at the table and saw the guns rusted and dusty. How long I been asleep? Questions flew to my head. I looked at Virus who had his face down looking at the sadden cry screaming for Virus. I kind a felt bad I knew that Virus been there for Cry but I just can't let himknow that Virus was a human a nice man. The bro army put Virus into a computer and locked him up in a file. The Cry opened the file opening the Virus he lost control and attached himself to cry. Since then Cry lost his memory about the Bro Army. He forgot about his girl friend he forgot about me. He forgot everyone. I cried seeing Cry clean his gun then put it back and cleaned mine. Why would he do that? He load up the gun and cried pointing the weapon to my head. He remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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