Chapter 2

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Warning swearing, abuse, and self harm.

~No one's POV~
At the end of the first week the boys decided to walk Y/N home since her translator couldn't. When they got there she bid them farewell and her father came around the corner. When he saw the boys he was infuriated. He walked over to them.
"Who the hell and why are you with my slut of a daughter? You know what nevermind just don't get near her or I'll fucking kill you." He said. Namjoon noticed the smell of alcohol heavy in the air surrounding this air. He didn't wanna risk it so he just bowed to the man and walked away with his boys. They have all left her alone and sometimes even bully her a little. Everyone of them except Jin, he was cold to her but he still watches over her and talks to her occasionally.

~Y/N's POV~
It hurts when I see the boys now well, except for Jin. Even though he has distanced himself at least he doesn't bully me. I thought they were all good guys, nice guys, but ever since they walked me home that day. God, that was the worst beating I had gotten since we left. My bruises are still so prevalent and it's really hard to hide them. Fortunately most of them are hidden by my clothes, until dance class then a few are exposed but I just say I fell.
I woke up to my alarm. My father still won't be awake thank god. I quickly go to the shower taking my razor with me. When I got into the shower I turn the water on and run the blade across my wrists. This has become my daily routine. I get out of the shower and put my hair up in a ponytail, cover up the bruises, put on light makeup, and then bandage my new wounds. I go put my uniform on and rush out of the hell hole I call home, just in time for my dad to be waking up. Thankfully he is going camping with his buddies this weekend. Unfortunately the house is now littered with soju bottles and reeks of alcohol. I get to school hours early and go to the music room since it is my first class today anyways. When I get there I sit down behind the piano and begin playing my mom's favorite song. I start crying as I start to sing it. When I reach the end of the song I start bawling and decide to play a happy song. An hour passes before I go to my seat and sit in it hoping the teacher will arrive soon. Her name is Somin but she ask us to call her Minnie. She always brings me a new piece of music to learn, that's why I love this class so much. About half an hour later she walks in.
"Hey Y/N, how are you today." She says and approaches me hands me a new piece of music.
"Hello Minnie unnie I am doing well, and you?" I ask and take it gladly.
"I am doing well." She says and disappears to go copy papers, I assume. I know better than to go to the piano now because this is about the time that my worst nightmares and Jin show up. I hear three voices in the hallway and know instantly who it is.
"Hello Miss." Jungkook says as he walks into the room followed by Yoongi and Jin. They go to the back of the room and take their seats. I just rest my head on the desk because I really don't feel like dealing with them until dance class later.
"Hi, Y/N." Someone hisses into my ear and I recognize it instantly.
"Hello, Yoongi what do you want?" I ask and he gives me a look as though he is offended.
"I just wanted to see how our little whore is doing." He says with a laugh. I get tears in my eyes and then I hear a growl from the back of the room.
"So help me Min Yoongi if you don't stop saying that I will rip your throat out." Jin says and Yoongi backs off.
"Yes eomma save the little cry baby." He whispers to himself and returns to his seat. I just return my head to the desk and cry quietly. Within another fifteen minutes the class begins to fill up and we begin our lesson. My classes fly by and then it's time for lunch, the part of the day I dread almost as much as going home. I decide that I'm going to go to the roof and not the cafeteria today. When I get up there I see something all to familiar seven boys looking back at me with evil smirks.
"Well, well, well look who finally got smart enough not to goi to the cafeteria and come here instead." Yoongi says and begins walking towards me. I cower against the door and let out a few tears before I hear a cold yet some how comforting voice.
"Yoongi give up, she isn't worth our time." Taehyung says and rolls his eyes. Yoongi backs away slowly with an evil grin on his face before I make a run for it. I go straight to my locker to get my new music and to the music room. I repeatedly play that piece over and over before the bell rings. Signifying I have to go to the only class where I have to deal with all seven of them. I go to the class and change before quickly going to the corner to stretch. When the teacher comes in she motions for everyone to come together, which she never does, and gets out a list.
"Class, I am excited to announce that you will each receive a partner and choreograph your own dance to it. I will choose your partners, there is absolutely no changing them, and the project is due Monday. The pairs are: Yoongi and Namjoon, Jimin and Jin, J-hope and Jungkook,........, and finally Taehyung and Y/N. Now, get with your partners and choose a song. This project will be done on your own time. Now get too it." The teacher says and walks away. I begin looking for Taehyung. When I find him he is sitting in my corner waiting for me.
"We will do it at me and the boys's house. Be there after school as soon as you can. We will decide on a song then." He says and hands me a paper that I assume is his address before he goes to the changing rooms, changes, and leaves. Since this is my last class of the day I go and change my clothes before going to the music room to thank Minnie unnie. When I get there her door is locked so I decide to listen to my music and walk around the halls. Finally the bell rings and I set off to find the address Kim Taehyung just gave me. When I arrive at the door I hesitate before knocking when I hear something behind me.
"How did you beat me here?" I hear Jin ask and I turn around.
"Oh... um I'm sorry." I say and he shrugs it off he comes to the door unlocks it and beckons me inside.
"Taehyung shall be here any minute, he stopped to get hot chocolate on his way home, and the others went with him." He says as I follow him inside. I am not even going to lie I'm impressed. I follow him to the kitchen where he grabs an apple and starts eating it. I am about to ask how his day was when I heard the door open.
"Jin, I'm here. Don't forget Y/N is co-" Taehyung as he enters the kitchen. Jin cuts him off before he can get the word 'coming' the rest of the way out by gesturing to me.
"So, what song were you thinking Taehyung?" I ask and he gives me a smirk.


Well, this is a good place to stop for today. 안요. (Bye) 사랑해 (I love you)

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