Chapter Two: The Gift

Start from the beginning

Lynn peeked in the mirror to make sure her jet-black hair was properly braided, her blue eyes bright and awake, and her teeth free of food.

"Lynn, the doorbell!" called Yuni from the kitchen.

Lynn rushed to the door and flung it open, her heart beating quickly with anticipation. Ryan stood on the doorstep, a gentle smile on his face. His smooth auburn hair was carefully brushed away from his warm, chocolate brown eyes.

"Hello," he greeted politely, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi," she said breathlessly, waving him inside.

She led him into their living room, where Irene was sitting. Lynn's stomach clenched. Irene was glaring at Ryan with cold eyes, her arms folded across her chest. Ryan smiled back politely.

"I'm Ryan," he said politely, extending his hand, "Pleased to meet you."

Irene did not budge an inch. Lynn grabbed Ryan's arm quickly, trying to smooth over the awkward moment. "That's Irene!" she said, forcing a fake laugh, "She's a little socially awkward; don't mind her. Here, sit!"

Yuni walked in carrying a tray of tea and snacks in her hands.

"I'm Yuni," she said setting down the tray, "Nice to meet you, Ryan. I've heard a lot about you."

"Likewise," Ryan grinned.

There was a moment of silence as they all settled down around the coffee table. In a wild attempt to stir up conversation, Lynn said, "Look, Yuni!" she jabbed her finger in the direction of a white box in Ryan's hands, "Look what Ryan brought us!"

"Oh, you shouldn't have!" Yuni gushed, "I love that pastry shop!"

"It was my pleasure," said Ryan politely, "I hope you guys aren't allergic to strawberries?"

"Of course not," said Yuni hurriedly, "Here, I'll bring the plates."

As Yuni bustled in the kitchen, Ryan drank tea and smiled at Irene, who ignored him and instead flipped through her magazine, not realizing she was reading it upside down.

"What are you reading?" asked Ryan, but before Irene could respond, Lynn cut in.

"Yuni made this tea!" she said brightly, "Our friend brought it from London. Do you like it?"

"We can give you some to bring home if you like it, Ryan," said Yuni, returning with the cake served in slices.

"That would be wonderful, thank you," said Ryan, accepting a cake slice.

"So, what do you do, Ryan?" asked Yuni, sitting back down, "Do you work?"

Ryan opened his mouth to respond, but Irene cut him off.

"Why does that matter?" she asked, grabbing a cake slice, "We're not the type of family to judge based on occupation."

"I would never think of you guys like that," said Ryan cheerfully, but Irene ignored him.

"If it's all the same, can I take this to my room now?" she asked, standing up.

"Irene!" said Lynn, shocked.

"Just let her go, Lynn," whispered Yuni, as Irene started walking away.

Too angry to listen, Lynn followed Irene up the stairs into the loft. Irene set her cake down on her desk and sat down in her chair.

"You can't just treat him like that just because you prejudged him," said Lynn angrily, trying to keep her voice from carrying into the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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