Chapter One: A Living Dream

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"Lynn! Lynn!"

            Lynn looked up from the notebook she had been spending the last five minutes scribbling in. She had to hurry and finish copying the notes she'd been too lazy to take last week. Plus, the guy she sat next to was waiting for her to finish so he could get his notes back from her. Lynn saw her friend Erica rushing over.

            Oh no. There was no way she'd get anything done with Erica around. Lynn scribbled down the last couple of sentences and finished just as Erica leaped in front of her desk.

                     "Thanks," said Lynn, smiling at the boy as she handed him back his notes. He took it and left quickly. He obviously wasn't very patient, she mused.


            Lynn turned around to look at Erica. "What?" she said loudly.

            Erica rolled her eyes. "How did your date go yesterday?"

            A shameless smile crept up on Lynn's face. This was probably her favorite topic: Her boyfriend.

            "It was amazing," she gushed, "He took me to the amusement park and we went on almost all the rides and watched more than half of the shows and the best part—he took me on the Ferris wheel to watch the sunset!"

            Erica squealed, clapping her hands excitedly, "That is so romantic! Oh my gosh, Lynn, you have this amazing boyfriend all to yourself and you still won't let me meet him? What kind of friend are you?"

            Lynn sighed dramatically, "I would, but I need to deal with some family stuff first."

            An understanding look appeared on Erica's face. "Oh, right. Steer clear of that danger."

            At that moment, the teacher entered the room. Erica winked at Lynn knowingly and skipped back to her seat. As Mr. Clark began his lecture on European history, Lynn unconsciously zoned out. She knew she should be paying more attention to her classes because of her upcoming midterms, but it was so hard when she could be thinking about other Ryan.

            Lynn smiled to herself. It had been almost a month since they began dating. She could never forget their first meeting. It was like fate.

            Lynn had been sitting at a table in the Mura Café, a local coffee shop right next to campus that many college students frequented, waiting to be served coffee. It had been her usual routine back then. She would always grab a cup of coffee on her way home from school. But that day had been especially special. Because it had been the day Ryan also showed up.

            "I'll have two iced coffees."

            Standing in front of Lynn was a smiling guy around twenty, with smooth auburn hair that brushed the nape of his neck, a slim, muscular figure, and warm brown eyes.

            "You like iced coffee, don't you?" he'd asked, flashing an irresistible smile at Lynn.

            "Who are you?" she'd asked cautiously. 

            "My name is Ryan," he'd responded conversationally, "Can I sit here?"

           The guy hadn't seemed so bad. His polite tone and courteous smile had made it a lot easier for Lynn to trust him. That and his looks, of course. She nodded, and Ryan sat down in the seat across from her.

            She'd sipped her iced coffee cautiously. "I'm Lynn Amadore." she'd said, shaking his hand.

            Lynn twirled her pencil around dreamily. That day had been great. After a few more dates, they became an official item a week later. As childish as it seemed, Lynn knew she had chosen the right guy. With Ryan's sweet and funny personality, there was no way Lynn could mistaken her destined other half.

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