Fall Of Pullux!Chemical's POV

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The twinkling of crystals glittered around the large cavern. Beautiful just like the stars on the outside world. The air in the cavern was a mix, one of dirt, metal, oil, and grease. The whole city of the underground world was lit by the entire city, with such little daylight coming through the tunnels to the outside world, someone of the light also came from bioluminescent creatures that wandered. Steam Work was a fascinating city, a truly beautiful place. The whole cavern filled with the heat that was naturally released from the planet and the exhaust from the machines busy at work every cycle, making the city remain at high temperatures through all the stellar cycles since the cavern was created into a safe hold for a city.

This solar cycle was different. The whole planet was at peace that it has been at as it always had been, ever since the Cursed King disappeared and the death of the previous Queen. Now, a fair Queen was in power since she became of age. The kingdom of Althena, the one place in the entire planet that can get into Steam Work without death. It would be dangerous to take any other way in or out of the underground city.

One workshop held one of the Queen's most loyal allies. The one and only, stubborn and almost insane best friend since they were younglings. Chemical was in another experimentation. So curious of what really made the natural crystals grow. They only grew during certain times, it was almost impossible to grow a fake one grow.

Chemical was brought out of her work when her workshop shook. Glass vials fell from shelves and shattered on the floor, and other tools and machines falling onto the ground.

“What in Primus…” Chemical muttered, heading towards the door to look out. The sight that was brought to her golden optics was horrific. The caverns stalactites were falling loose from the ceiling and fire was raging all around. What she also saw were other citizens attacking and killing mechs, femmes, younglings, and ripping sparklings away from their creators. Then did she realize they were not from Pullux. From Cybertron. Though the femme did not want to admit it, she was afraid. The Cybertronians, after millions of years of peace, the treaty had been broken. Chemical knew Cybertron was at a civil war, but why were they invading their planet? One that had been declared neutral for millennials.

“What a pathetic race,” someone said near her. Her optics flicked to see a much taller mech than herself. He had blue armor that was mixed with a light grey and piercing red optics. She had never seen Cybertronians with red optics before, just blue, or the rare yellow and green. The mech was glaring directly at her smaller frame. True to say Chemical wasn’t the tallest femme out on the planet.

“Why to let something so pathetic continue to live,” he hissed.

“Why are you invading our planet? We’ve done nothing!” Chemical hissed back.

“Your contribution to the Autobot cause was enough to make your allies with them, all allies of Autobots must be destroyed,” the mech growled, his servo shifting into an ion cannon. It charged up and was aimed at her. A red glow bounced off the femme’s armor.

“No!” A mech, a few feet taller than herself, orange armor with piercing golden optics, jumped in front of her with a menacing growl.

“Sire, get to safety, now!” Chemical demanded.

“No! I did not save Gliff, I won’t let that happen again,” the mech said. He protectively stood in front of his creation, his youngest. Around them the cavern was collapsing, soon there would be no Steam Work to remember.

“It’s been ordered by Megatron to eradicate all natives who resist,” the cybertronian hissed, suddenly firing the canon. It hit Chemical’s sire, the force knocking him onto the ground.

“Whatever your designation is, you fucking filthy piece of Cybertronian shit, you're disregarding the treaty set up between our planets for shit. This is worse than treason!” Chemical snarled.

“The femme has such colorful words, mech. Is this how Pulluxians are raised? A shame to be looked down upon,” the mech said.

“No, it’s not how we are raised,” her sire groaned, ”We are trained with honor and with courtesy. My sparkling just has a colorful nature with it, along being one of our Queens highly trusted.”

“Then I shall take her as a trophy for Lord Megatron,” with one more blast, Chemical’s sire was shot through the spark-chamber. The bond she had with him shattered and causing her and her siblings a great pain. A pained scream ripped through her vocalizer, the pain making her claw at her chassis plating.

“So weak,” the mech scoffed.

“I knew Cybertronians were no good,” Chemical spat. Through her subspace, she got two of her poisonous mixtures. Each from some of the poisonous plants on the planet. With careful aim, she got him in the chassis. He simply blinked at her like it was nothing.

“Your race is weak, for you to just through throw something so harmless,” he scoffed.

“Ah, but that's where the bitchy joke is on you," Chemical laughed, ”What I threw at you are Prewshim-berry and Jackleplumb. Our bodies can simply adapt to its toxins, or if it’s processed properly, it can be digested. However, your Cybertronian body cannot handle the poison in the fruits.”

The mech had started to continuously flinch before clawing at himself. Chemical watched as the mech slowly broke down in just a pile of poison covered armor pieces and burnt protoform.

“I’m sorry Sire, I’m sorry I couldn’t save you,” she ran to the back tunnels of the cavern, one of the dangerous ways. However, it wasn’t the first time she had done something like this. Once she pulled herself out of the hole that now just led to the devastation of her home city, what she saw next she wasn’t prepared for. As far as she could see, only devastation and fire raged around. Many frames had littered the ground as well as energon stained everything. Chemical’s spark was rattled. Never in her existence had she ever thought something like this would ever happen. Never to a planet who had been declared free from war ever again, after the first and last war with the Quintessons.

“By the Allspark, what have they done,” Chemical gasped.

The plants, the buildings, everything, all of it was on fire. In the distance, Chemical could see the Kingdom of Althena ablaze, crumbling to the ground. It seemed like everything was coming to an end with her planet. Everything was destroyed.

“Chemical! Is that you?” a femme’s voice called out. Chemical looked behind her to see the familiar black frame that was striped with yellow and green. Even with her black armor, Chemical could see the scorch marks. Behind the Queen was the Princess Paladin. Her armor in the same condition.

“We need to evacuate the planet!” Knight commanded. Somehow through the commotion, they had managed to save only one other Pulluxian. A minicon from Parivar. Chemical took the minicon in her pod while the other two took their own. As they left, Chemical released more bloody screams of pain, feeling her last two bonds shatter. Her siblings had perished like everyone else.

“I vow I will find any Cybertronian involved with my homes genocide, and I will tear them apart.”

Devastation continues to rain down on the planet. Till nothing was left standing and they had killed the source of life for the planet, killing the very core. Whoever was alive, could have felt this disconnection from their planet, being so connected to their planet through the many generations. The traditions of Old wouldn’t even save the core now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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