Angry Alice was going to extract the information, whether she liked it or not, Anna made a futile rebellious remark. "Is that some kind of threat, Alice?"

"An attempt to explain it is important. I know you must be tired of the questions, but it is necessary."

Rolling her eyes again Anna caved to the situation. "Alright Alice," she murmured and lay back on the bed to be comfortable. She closed her eyes, "OK Alice, let's get started."

After losing another hour of sleep with Alice, she decided to check on her work with the native plants. Anna trudged over to her suit rack. When you are tired, twice the gravity really sucks, she complained to herself. She put her suit and exoskeleton on. Oh, yes! These exoskeletons sure do put a spring in your step! Anna had done above average for the rest of the colonists. She had dialed up to 1.4 G now and getting used to it. Eventually, she would not need the extra help in the heavy gravity of Searth. Feeling better, she headed toward the airlock.

In the hallway, as she approached the airlock, Alice's voice rang out. "Anna Hauser, stay where you are. You are not to go outside without an escort. Security has been notified, and an escort is on the way." Anna could swear the tone Alice had in her voice had the ring of a mother scolding her child.

"It's alright Alice, I asked my dad, and he said it was OK," she smarted off.

"I do not understand the reference."

"I felt like you were scolding me like a child."

"You felt childish by your own actions?"

"No, you made me feel that way by your commands, Alice." Sometimes, Anna thought, the machines could be rather thick.

"It is not as safe as before the incident. We are still trying to analyze the data and assess the threat if any."

From down the hallway, she saw someone from security approaching her at the airlock. Watching the woman stride toward her, she noticed how fit she looked even with the suit on. God, she needed to work out more!

"Good morning Ma'am. I am Corporal Jenkins. I will be your escort, Dr. Hauser."

"What is your first name Corporal?"

"Amanda," the corporal replied.

"Well Mandy, I guess let's get going."

"Lead on, Doctor. And don't call me Mandy."

Exiting from the airlock, Anna rejoiced in another fine day on Searth. The sky clear and orange-red, normal for this planet. During the warmer months, autumn colors painted the landscape and the sky a forever sunset. Unlike Earth, the season changes were not too drastic. The winters were cold, but not harsh. The summers were warm, but not scorching. The climate is what Anna liked best about this planet, and she longed to be out of her suit. Shrubs and small trees dotted this area for as far as the eye could see. About what you would expect to see at higher elevations on Earth. Some vegetation bore fruit, but only two species turned out to be edible so far. Anna hoped the air would be cleared by medical and breathe the pretty molecules of this amazing world.

After reaching the garden, some two hundred yards away from the dome, Anna began inspecting her work. Corporal Amanda, whatever her last name was, stationed herself at about twenty yards away. Good line of sight, yet far enough away not to be a hindrance. The sensors on the ground and cameras with variable wavelength filters told the story of how the plants were doing. But Anna was old school. She wanted to witness with her own eyes and feel with her bare hands the plants and the soil. Some nuances told the story better than numbers and graphs. She could not feel the ground in her environmental suit, but she knew that plants, at least the ones in her home world, appreciated the personal touch. Anna knew plants had some basic intelligence of their own. She did not want them to feel neglected. Anna turned on her external speakers. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. You are probably wondering why I called a meeting here today." Anna often joked with her plants because they couldn't criticize your delivery and technique; unlike other humans she knew. "Today I will be inspecting your buds and root system. I will be taking some samples. I am aware this may be uncomfortable, but I will complete my task as soon as I can to minimize this."

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