Same or Different

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About a couple years after meeting the mystery boy Finn let me join the gang officially.

Had met Luke then his death came.

My darkest moment came.

Now the light aspect of my life is finally peaking through the dark in the smallest ways but there.

A lot of things had happened since I met him. A lot of things I wished he was there for me to tell him my problems or even hear his crappy jokes.


As I was sitting on the mat I heard the door open but didn't think much of it thinking it's one of the trainers coming to start the day.

Someone clears their throat.

Looking up from my feet I meet silver eyes.

"What are you doing here, Damian? How-"

He cuts me off,"Finn said you'd probably be here. I was going to come after you but they said-"

"I. Don't Care." cutting him off. I got up heading towards the punching bag again continuing my routine that I've been doing.

As I was about land another punch a hand gripped my wrist turning me towards the person.

"Stop" Damian said sternly. Damian's eyes were darker almost a dark grey. His jaw was clenched, a frown crease on his forehead.

"Talk to me. Tell me what's on your mind" his tone getting soft but can still make out the sternness behind it. Like I would crumble right there.

Narrowing my eyes at him "And why would I tell you? I barely know you"

I ripped my wrist away going back to the punching bag "What I've known you for 2 days? Yet it seems like *punch* you already want me to tell you my feelings"



"About what is bothering me"



"Would you really think I would?" I chuckled


He took ahold my wrist, again turning me towards him

"But you guessed wrong. So you wasted your time coming here" I gritted, jaw clenching from the angry that is starting to course through me again

His grip tightened.

At the time I thought he was getting irritated

Truly it was because some tears escaped through

I laughed, "someone who I barely know is the one to go after me and care. That's not a shocker. It would probably be the end of the world if Finn was the one to come. Just leaves me in my own solitude of my mind" I chocked on a sob trying to keep it in "Not caring what the consequences of it"

I was pulled into a hard chest

In a whisper he spoke, "I don't know you've been through, Violet. You don't have to tell me right now or not at all but when you are ready to tell me, I'll be right by your side while you tell me your story. I'll be right there to hold you up right. I'll wipe the tears from the cause of your pain. I would even go beat up the damn guy or even kill them if that helps you keep your beautiful smile I saw when you saw Isabella"

Next thing I know I'm crying on his chest

How is he saying the things I didn't realize I always wanted to hear?

The cravings of words, of the actions behind them

Is he going to be different?

"I'll always go after you"

A sob

Clenching of my fists on his shirt

"No matter what"

Or will he just be like everyone else?


It was the third class of the day... I have no idea what the teachers have been saying or what has been happening around me, only to be caught up in my thoughts of what has happened since this morning.

The fight in the kitchen to Damian comforting me. Which is the exact thing I am now thinking about.

1. Why did he decide to come after me?

2. Why was he wanting me to tell him my feelings?

3. Basically, why was he comforting me? Hugging me, saying comforting things in my ear.


"Miss Pram"

I've barely known him for 2 days and I mean properly know him.

There's another thing that I keep thinking about, why does his eyes look fam-


I slightly jolt in my seat blinking a couple times then looking over at my teacher who doesn't look so pleased.

"Miss Pram, would you explain to me why you aren't paying attention" he irritably asked.

Simply all I do is roll my eyes, of course "You and me both know this isn't the first time also knowing how it's going to end. With that, why should I explain myself?" a small smirk knowing this is absolutely true. Next he would send me to detention.

Clenched teeth, "DETENTION"

Told you

Next would be me getting up my seat going to the front of the class to grab my slip

Then of course to piss him off even more I give him an innocent smile grabbing the slip.

So I did exactly that

"I expect that you to stay this time, Miss Pram?" he said still clenching his teeth while I grab the slip in front of me "Hmm, I'll try but no promises" still smiling innocently noticing that he is trying harder to keep his cool heading towards the door.

When I'm about to exit I heard Damian shout out to me, "I'll see you later in detention" a mocking undertone

I look back to him smiled, winked then left hearing a loud chuckle behind the closed door










That's when I noticed my face feels warmer and my cheeks feel sorer

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