Jennifer the Barbie Doll

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I pulled up to the schools parking lot going to my usual spot to notice someone already parked in the spot- a white Audi Jennifer to say I was mad was an understatement no one and I mean no one ever parks in my spot unless they know what's coming at them and she knows full well too. Driving out of the lot I made my way towards a department store down the street.

After I was finished making a little trouble I made my way towards English. Making my way in everyone's attention went to me even a blondie and his friend.

"Miss Pram, why are you late to my class? Again?" my English teacher Mrs. Jundy said trying not to sound so aggravated towards the end of her sentence.

"Was stuck in traffic because of some assholes was starting a fight that took so long to finish" looking towards the two when I spoke.

"Language! Why would there be people starting a fight in the middle of the highway?"

"I'm wondering the same thing" bringing my attention back to the teacher "Now can you stop nagging me like you're my mother your holding up the class more than you have to. Just give me the detention slip so I can go to my seat" at this some students snickered earning a strict glare from Mrs Jundy. Handing me my detention slip which I gratefully accepted to annoy her more I went back to my seat.


The bell rang indicating third hour science is over and time for lunch I packed up my notes and pencils making my way towards my locker where my two best friends and only friends were already waiting for me at.

"Violet! Where the hell were you in math?!" Olivia shouted at me when I arrived to my locker.

She had brown hair like me but stopped at her shoulders with brown eyes. Today she was wearing blue skinny jeans with a dark tie dye shirt and white sneakers. Olivia is more of our peace maker in our group making sure we're not always fighting and making sure we are in check. She doesn't cuss often but when she does you know she's mad and right now she's just that.

"I was stuck in traffic, Liv" shutting my locker after putting my unneeded textbooks in.

"Traffic? Why would there be traffic this late in the morning, Violet?" Noah said disbelieving me.

Noah is the one with more logic in our group always putting in the facts into situations that I may or may not always be in which is why we have Olivia our peace maker to stop our arguments. He's a dirty blonde with grey eyes that always bring in the girls.  Today he's wearing a black t shirt and khakis paired with black sneakers.

Making our way to the cafeteria I answered "I don't know. When I went to the front all I saw was these guys ready to beat each other up"

"Now how am I supposed to believe that? Group of guys about to beat each other up in the middle of the highway blocking traffic?" Of course Noah's the one who said that so logical.

"Believe what I say or don't. I'm not making you believe me Mr Logic" I rolled my eyes as we approached the cafeteria doors.

"I think it's believable. I heard that there's a gang here now but apparently they aren't new around here either" Liv joining in. They aren't the only gang here though but she doesn't need to know

"That's just rumors, Liv" cue the eye roll Noah

"I don't know, Noah. It could possibly be true. You can't be for sure that there isn't a gang in town. There could be more than one too" I say when we enter the cafeteria towards the line.

"Vi is right. You can't for sure know that there isn't a gang in town or not, Noah" thank you Liv

"Alright fine. Why were you late to English then, Vi?"

"You were late to English too?!" Of course Liv didn't know that while me and Noah had English she had science.

"Yeah, and to answer your question you'll find out in about 10 seconds" taking a seat at our normal table looking at the time.

"What do you-" before Noah could finish the cafeteria doors flew open revealing a very mad fake blonde also known as Jennifer.

"Where the hell is she!" she all but shrieked into the quiet cafeteria.

"Who's she?" I replied innocently at her beat red face why is everyone looking like a tomato today? I took a sip of my water watching her.

Pointing out the door presuming the parking lot where her car is she shrieked again "You! You did this!"

"Did what?" By now Liv and Noah is now looking at me knowing that I had something to do with this along with everyone else in the cafeteria who is watching.

"You know what you fucking did! You ruined my car with spray paint!" You heard that right spray paint after I came back from the department store with some black spray paint I decided to write some not so kind words as well as inappropriate doodles that she could relate to. I mean she sees it everyday so mind as well put it on her car too.


"Oh that? Do you like it? Your car was missing something so I thought I would help"

"You bitch! Fix it!" this time she was standing right by our table and I'm telling you my ear is ringing from her shrieking from the close proximity.

"Why should I? Last time I checked I'm not your minion that follow you around like lost puppies" the cafeteria broke down in 'ohhs' and 'burn'. This was true she had two people always following her around so when they were standing behind her in their fake blonde hair and awful fashion I wasn't surprised.

"You will fix it or you'll regret it!"

"Hmm that's an interesting threat, Jenn but not threatening enough I mean what exactly am I going to regret if I don't?" This is getting boring first the guy with the ugly scar couldn't do a good threat and now fake blondie here too? I expected ugly scar to be better since he seemed experienced.

"You'll regret messing with me, that's what and don't call me Jenn" she said through gritted teeth.

"Come on that's not original you can do better, Jenn. I'll be sitting right here waiting" not true I rather be in math than dealing with this.

"I told you not to call me Jenn!"

"If you aren't going to come up with better threats I'm out. I have better things to do than this" as I was ready to stand up I felt something cold running down my head onto my shoulders now she has a death wish.

"What. The. F*ck!" I shouted.

Laughing Jennifer spoke, "that's what you get" acting like she overpowered me from just dumping milk on me.

"Seriously was this the threat that I'll regret? Come on a three year old would've came up with that" I laughed but not until I swiped her feet beneath her and holding her down to the floor. "I don't know about you but your threats are meaningless just a bunch of nonsense so why don't you keep the threats to the professionals while you go play Barbie" I spoke through gritted teeth glaring at her.

As I got up ready to walk out a group a guys caught my attention blondie and the gang I turned my glance away and started heading towards the doors with an angry Noah and an amused Liv.

"I wouldn't call yourself a 'professional' in threats, Violet!" her shrieking voice echoing in the cafeteria that is still quiet. I all but turned around with a too innocent smile saying "oh I would count on it, Barbie" finally leaving the cafeteria leaving a pissed off Barbie and amused group of boys.

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