Black Wings

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"Well now that's over. What did you want to talk about Finn?" Looking over to him innocently like nothing just happened.

Rolling his eyes, "let's just go to the house"

"House? It's basically a mansion" I spoke under my breath following Frank to our vehicles.


When we arrive at the 'house' we made our way to the small conference room. In the room there was a seven seated conference style table, one end where Finn was already seated with his laptop and files. On the ceiling was a projector facing the screen where it is faced towards Finn. The lights were already turned off and projector running so I decided to sit in the last seat on Finn's right closest to the projector.

"Alright, let's get started" I said chirpily looking at the screen getting ready for whatever Finn has to say. When I didn't get a reply I looked towards Finn my smile dropping finding a grim but serious look catching me off guard. Seeing his expression had me get more serious but wished mentally that it would've been a nice chat of 'I haven't seen you for 2 years, how have you been, Vi?'

"What did you have to talk about, Finn? With how you are looking I'm guessing it's serious" losing all emotion in my voice "if it's anything to do with the gang then I'm out. I told you 2 years ago the day of the incident that I-"

"The inner gang were all murdered" what I stared wide eyed at Finn "you're lying"

To think that the people who were always there for me, always making me laugh till I cry or always annoying me.

Were dead.

The people who I haven't talked to in over 2 years, growing distant with each other since that day.  Were dead. Was hard to believe.

"I'm not lying, Vi. Look" he said pointing to the screen where it now showed each of them in their homes lying on the ground in their blood.  All I could do was stare at the screen sitting emotionless in my sit trying to slowly process what's happening. 

Couple minutes passed with no one speaking. Finn knowing that I needed it after all he knows me best. 

I was still looking at the screen when Finn switched the slide now showing the members of the gang which was a bad mistake on his part when my eyes flickered to the bottom left picture.

"It started happening 2-3 weeks ago with the other members getting murdered. Last week was the inner six" Finn spoke but I didn't take my eyes off of the picture.

"How many in total?" Finn put red X's over the ones who passed away.  Again my eyes didn't leave the picture when the X went over it.

"Sixteen. Including the inner six" all I could do was just sit there emotionless almost like I didn't care. That the deaths of the six didn't bother me at all.

The X's were scattered all over so I asked Finn to separate them into 2 groups. Left side of the people who passed and the right who are still alive.

"Do you have any clues on who would do this?" I asked Finn.

"In a way, yes. I just want to hear what you might think" why does he want to know what I think?

"Why? I'm not apart of this anymore, Finn" taking my eyes off of the picture now looking at him raising my eyebrow.

"That's what I want to talk about also" he said causally.

"No" I firmly stated knowing where he is going with this.

"Violet, I understand why you don't want to but that incident was 2 years ago. I need your help, Vi. There's no one left in the inner circle. In the gang there isn't anyone that I trust most but you. I need your help" Finn tried to reason.

Dodging the question to buy some time I asked, "tell me who you think is doing this and why"

I heard a sigh pretending not to notice listening to what Finn has to say, "well to put it bluntly I think it's Red Fangs"

"why do you think that? Also who's Red Fangs?"

He pulls up another picture, "there a new established gang about a year and a half ago. They mostly do drug deals but occasionally they do kills leaving red fang marks on or near the body"

"Then it's them. Who else would it be, if they had a red fang then it's obviously Red Fangs" I was confused on why he asked me for what I think especially when it's obviously them.

"That's what we thought but it's not" he pauses almost like he's hesitating "we believe it's, um, the Black Wings"

I stiffened, "and if you believe that then why the hell haven't you done anything" I was getting angrier with every word "why the hell are they deciding to do something like this after 2 years?!"

Broken Bad GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora