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''Stop it Lance! You will never understand how it feels to be anxious every damn day thinking you won't be accepted by those around you!'' Keith cried.

''Keith! I-i'm sorry!'' Lance sobbed while seeing the raven haired become a silhouette in the darkness of the rain.


Hey Lance,

I know it's absurd and well, funny that I left a letter in your mailbox considering I could just text you anytime. The thing is, this is not just a text to say hi, it is a letter to say goodbye.

Yeah, yeah, before you get hysterical considering what type of person you are, I'm going to clarify it.

 I'm fine.

It's okay Lance. It's not your fault you couldn't be there for my birthday because you were on a date with Allura, or that you missed out our Christmas party because you proposed to Allura that night.

It is not your fault that I was too frightened of reality. 

It's not your fault that I'm staining this letter with my tears or that I can't even act coherently when I'm close to you.

Anyway, I don't want you to remember the Keith from this letter, that miserable, fragile, and scared Keith. I want you to remember that friend of yours who was too stubborn to accept the fact that you were taller or that you had good sword skills.

 Just remember those days at the Garrison when I pretended not to acknowledge you and totally believed your name was Taylor for at least until we met each other the night we rescued Shiro. 

Also, I know you secretly remember the bonding moment we had but you had a pride to keep.

I've been alone for the biggest part of my life. I know I had Shiro, Krolia and the Voltron Team but, none of them satisfied my greed.

I also took advantage of your kindness. I let myself be spoiled when you were in a fragile state. It was something I still regret now. 

I wanted everything, I wanted you Lance. 

I wanted your smile, your cries, your burdens, I wanted to be embraced by you.

The sad part is, you can't give me any of that. 

You will never know the wrenching feeling I felt when seeing you putting the ring on the love of your life. Or when you told me you were having a child, something I knew for sure I couldn't give you.

 I was happy for you, Indeed I was. But I also was jealous, envious nonetheless. I wanted that smile of yours to become a possession of my own, a thing I couldn't share with anybody else.

I'm sorry Lance. I'm sorry that I won't be there for the birth of your first child. I remember how excited you looked when you told me about Allura being pregnant.

I'm sorry that I wasn't strong enough to tell you I love you.

I-I'm sorry Lance that I had to say goodbye in such a selfish way.

I know you'd probably ask why I didn't tell you before, then again, would it change a thing?

Bye Lance, it was lovely to have you as a friend.

- Love Keith.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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