Stefan walks into the room where Elena is unpacking

Stefan: hey Elena I need to talk to you

Elena: ok but I have a question first

Elena: Why when I stay at the boarding house when Zach was off from work and my parents wanted to go on a date night? Why did I never see you besides the one time I did see you?

Stefan: That's because I was afraid if I stayed there longer then Damon would find me somehow.

Elena: oh I thought I saw you one other time after the first we met

Stefan: nope but I do need to tell you something and I'm not sure how you are gonna react to it so how about we sit in the bed and talk?

they sit on the bed 

Elena: remember how you were talking about someone when they turn their humanity switch off they become a super bad person. where talking about you? 

Stefan: yeah I was talking about me I'm going to explain what I wanted to tell you  After I turned into a vampire I was full of guilt for what I did to my dad. So I turned off my humanity switch to make it easier for me to not feel any emotions this happened a while ago but I want you to know this in case something happens to me. I moved around a lot like New York, New Orleans, Chicago, and Tennessee. While my Humanity switch was off. They called me the ripper. I would feed on people until their heads would come off then I felt bad for what I did so I put their heads back on. So in the 1920s, I was in Chicago and I met someone named Klaus and his sister Rebekah. I fell in love with Rebekah. But at the end of one night, I was leaving with Rebekah her brother Klaus compelled me to forget about him and Rebekah but for some reason, it didn't work for some reason and I can't figure out how it didn't work. I remember who they were and what happened. Then a few years later I found out they are the first generation of vampires. they are known are the originals   

Elena: How many siblings does Klaus have?

Stefan: I don't know. How about we go out to eat?

Elena: I have been getting these visions of someone but I'm not sure who is coming to town.

Stefan: Are you ok to go out to eat

Elena: Yeah I'm ok. I don't want to ruin the night. I'm going to get ready.

Stefan walks out of Elena's room and goes and find Bonnie

Stefan: can you set up for me Bonnie

Bonnie: Yeah I got Caroline and Tyler helping

Stefan: Thank you guys for helping me out

Elena walks out of her room to find Stefan she finds him

Elena: I'm all ready now.

Stefan: ok let go

At the restaurant

The waiter: do you have any reservations

Stefan: yes table for two under Salvatore.

The waiter right this way

They sat down at the table at started to eat their dinner

Elena: Have you been here before?

Stefan: It's a restaurant I know of because when I drove here I saw it. So I asked Lexi for the number of the restaurant and I made a reservation for us to eat at This place.

Stefan and Elena were just having a casual conversation. About the future and maybe if they are ready to move into their place.

After dinner, they both started to walk back to the apartment

At Lexi's apartment on the rooftop

Stefan walks Elena back up to the rooftop

Elena: Why are we up here?

In the Distance it's Your Love by Tim McGraw started playing in the background

Stefan: I want us to enjoy this night

Elena: I love this song.

Stefan grabbed Elena by her Hand and then started to twirl her around.

Stefan: Elena I need to tell you something

Elena: what is it

Stefan: I want you to know that I promise to do my best to always be there for you. Also, try my best to help you out in any way I know how to. Also, I want to uphold the promise I made to your dad as well about protecting you. I also want to give you a promise ring because I promise that I will be your forever and ever

Elena: Oh my gosh.

Stefan put the ring on Elena's finger

Elena: Stefan I love you

Stefan: I love you

Elena kisses Stefan

Stefan And Elana get Their Happy EndingWhere stories live. Discover now